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Hello yall. Idk if this is the right forum if not send me the right one.  I was wondering if a person wanted to start a new life (like buy a new id, a new birth certificate, and all that) what would they need to do? I know there is a manual for setting up to buy things on the dark web, but after that. the next step is to actually get bitcoin and all, but after that idk. There are a lot of id makers and idk how to tell if they are good or not, or if I spend all this money to get one if it will even work when I go to use it. What should I look out for? Are there any how to manuals for starting a whole new life? What scams to be weary of? How do they make a USA id that actually works? Help.

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Reading comprehension is pretty important.

Saying Venezuela is turning into Cuba doesn't mean Venezuela is good or Venezuela is blaming Cuba.

Noticing that Venezuela is becoming Cuba is just an observation.

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Leaked from 4chan.
These videos are from the 1970's. There's lots of UFO activity captured on them. Maybe that is why NASA kept them secret from the pubic for so long.
Remember that NASA means Never A Straight Answer!!!
Be sure to thank the Leakers at 4chan.org/pol/ and look for more there every day!!!


Libertarians might be interested in becoming Sovereign Citizens, but Sovereign Citizens sound like nutjobs when they pull facts out of the air and say every American with a minor estate can have a Treasury Direct Account that gives every American $2 billion each year.

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Hal Turner Radio Show 11-1-2023

https://www.bitchute.com/video/EbedzdQOGMS6/ [Embed]



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The Punishment of the Democrats

"Tell My persons of evil that I Am against them, that they were created for this purpose, to resist Me in all My ways. For the embodiment of the Antichrist spirit should manifest in the political arena, so that My word should be fulfilled, for did I not say that the Antichrist should arise in the Last Days? And now you see it before your eyes, the workers of evil manifested before you, working all wickedness to fulfill the End Time Plan. Send to all who would resist My Way, that their damnation is ready, and that their souls should perish in deepest Hell forever, for they resist My Plan in every way possible, and all they will accomplish is the damnation of their souls, and the destruction of the nation they serve. For in the pits of Hell their names are called out to their eternal abode among the damned, for all political leaders who resist My Plan shall enter damnation ahead of schedule, to put My fear in the inhabitants of the Earth, that some may be saved from their madness among them. For My Way is a Way of peace and life, which they have taken from among the people of the Earth, to the end that all may learn My Way and Plan for their lives. The Lord has spoken, amen."

Americans are completely retarded now.

Americans will look you in the eye and say smoking was banned because the state wants to get more money from cigarette taxes.

Americans think that the elites want to collapse the economy so that the globalists can buy property cheaply, but what if the ruling class wants to kill off the 99% so that they can steal property?

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Robert Hunter Biden
818 Connecticut Ave NW, Ste. 1100 Washington DC 20006-2702
R. Hunter Biden, Esq
2900 K Street NW, Ste. 507
19 Washington, DC 20007-5127 (202) 333-1880
Fax: 202-333-1886
Robert Hunter Biden
1101 30th St NW Fl 5. Washington, DC, 20007-3708
Robert Hunter Biden
World Food Program USA 1725 Eye Street NW, Suite 510 Washington, DC 20006
Robert Hunter Biden
1616 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036
Robert H Biden
Age 52 / Feb 1970
4829 Loughboro Rd NW, Washington, DC 20016 (202) 244-7949
Hunter R. Biden
3342 Prospect St NW,
Washington, DC, 20007-3227
(202) 285-2473
(202) 244-7949
(202) 297-2089
(202) 552-9396
(202) 728-1010
(302) 777-6539
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Joseph R Biden Jr.
1209 Barley Mill Rd
Wilmington, DE, 19807-2225
(302) 573-6345
(773) 262-5148
(302) 575-1441
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Jill T Biden
1209 Barley Mill Rd, Wilmington, DE, 19807-2225 (302) 584-8849
(302) 575-1441
(302) 575-1515
Ashley B Biden
1209 Barley Mill Rd,
Wilmington, DE, 19807-2225
(302) 981-6757
(302) 575-1441
(302) 575-1515
(302) 658-3636
[email protected], [email protected]
Naomi K Biden
4829 Loughboro NW Rd Washington, DC 20016-3454 (212) 280-1209
Kathleen Biden
4301 43rd St NW Washington DC 20016 (302) 633-4843
(302) 633-6387

Americans say tiny homes were banned because illegal immigrants want large houses, but maybe the real reason tiny homes were banned was because the globalists want to fill their private prisons.

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