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thumbnail of Hal Turner Interviewed.jpg
thumbnail of Hal Turner Interviewed.jpg
Hal Turner Interviewed jpg
(64.53 KB, 600x353)
Hal Turner Radio Show 10-12-2023

https://www.bitchute.com/video/n7jcwSXQG7j5/ [Embed]

Hal Turner Radio Show 10-13-2023

https://www.bitchute.com/video/2GpChBUCZUWR/ [Embed]

Hal Turner Radio Show 10-11-2023

https://www.bitchute.com/video/uV9jEdESEbgn/ [Embed]
You know that you live in the Twilight Zone when the US is a bankrupt warmongering police state and Americans look you in the eye and say that the USA is a peaceful and free country with a balanced budget.

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