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thumbnail of The End Of My Country Of Sin And Wickedness.jpg
thumbnail of The End Of My Country Of Sin And Wickedness.jpg
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The End Of My Country Of Sin And Wickedness

"America has got to go, My son.  It must be destroyed.  I will make it happen.  It is full of evildoers who will not repent.  They refuse to do My will.  I will make it happen, My son.  Foreign troops will invade the land; destruction will be everywhere.  I will make it happen.  They have offended Me, the Living God.  They will not obey.  All they want is self, and the things that they can get.  I will bring a stop to that.  My people are evil, they refuse to repent, to bow the knee before Me.  They will not repent nor obey Me.  For that I will bring national destruction, and all the cities will come to an end.  The nuclear bombs are ready to go off; they are everywhere: underground, in the air, in space itself.  They will not obey Me, for that I'm incensed.  They refused to obey for decades, both My people and the sinners.  Repent, or else all will come to an end to be destroyed.  You haven't much time left.  The Living God has spoken.  Amen."

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