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I kinda lost contact with ratanon after 8chan died. Is this the place where all the people are now ?
> Abstract: A corollary of the Simulation Argument is that the universe’s computational capacity may be limited. Consequently, advanced alien civilizations may have incentives to avoid space colonization to avoid taking up too much “calculating space” and forcing a simulation shutdown. A possible solution to the Fermi Paradox is that analogous considerations may drive them to avoid broadcasting their presence to the cosmos, and to attempt to destroy or permanently cripple emerging civilizations on sight. This game-theoretical equilibrium could be interpreted as the “katechon” – that which withholds eschaton – doom, oblivion, the end of the world. The resulting state of mutually assured xenocide would result in a dark, seemingly empty universe intermittently populated by small, isolationist “hermit” civilizations.
MIRI paid out to blackmail using money from donors
As being trans becomes more normalized within society, more and more young males are deciding to transition their sex. Within most males is a desire to be desired and cute and treated nicely, which they cannot achieve as men - it is simply biology. The idea of male disposability is written into us from the moment we are conceived. As the biotechnology revolution we are in the midst of progresses, complete sex changes and reproduction without men will be easily possible, and the reason for males to be male will decrease. Ask most males if they want to become women; the answer is usually one of logistics ("well I couldn't" "look at trannies, a lot of them turn out ugly") rather than opposition to the idea. Even without a complete sex change available, more and more males are choosing HRT. Why not keep your hair, not be covered in body hair, look youthful for longer, feel softer and smell nicer?

Of course, backlash from society will likely increase too. Many men are threatened and revolted by males who decide to abandon their gender roles, and many women want to preserve their privileged position of leeching off of cishet men. But to most people, a hope for a better life has more of a draw than hate and bitterness, and maleness will slowly be eaten away by technology.
[Serious] How many members of the rationality circles (Less Wrong, Effective Altruism, adjacent meetups and the blogosphere) committed a suicide?

The problem seems significant and overlooked. Let's have an edginess-free thread to list people who passed away in the last decade and see if there are any common warning signs or patterns that deserve more attention.
How to carry the burden of internalized Scientific Blackpill? I'm looking for neat counterarguments questioning the key conclusions from such compilations:

1) https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPillScience/comments/a80wce/

2) https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPillScience/comments/a7065g

3) https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPillScience/comments/a7hatg/

4) https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPillScience/comments/am4dod/

5) https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPillScience/comments/a4wko9/

6) https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPillScience/comments/aksy8x/

Please focus on arguing how to practically cope with, or debunk the claim that "mate preferences in WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) societies are primarily guided by lookism, tribalism and, for heterosexual women, heightism; that, for some individuals, the relationship between the amount of goal-directed effort expended in order to attract and court preferred mates (either by oft-touted self-help methods or by "one weird trick" courtship techniques) and one's success rate may be so poorly correlated that, for these individuals, such narrowly targeted effort is naive at best".

Seriously, how to live happily and achieve the peace of mind if you deeply crave the sort-of-idealistic puppy love from the compatible, involved and caring woman, and the best you can get after years of self-improvement (at least here in Australia) is to be passively accepted and opportunistically loved almost exclusively for what you are (looks and resources) rather than at least partially for who you are? 

This seems to me like a hardwired need of sensitive men which fundamentally cannot be fulfilled as genders exhibit different love styles, although this natural mismatch seemed largely alleviated when the long-term symmetric monogamy constituted the unwritten norm (at least in the pre-Tinder era, within spaces like student peer groups composed of "wholesome" people with common interests).
Are you a "transition so yudkowsky can paddle you" rationalist or a "transition so you can cuddle with scott" rationalist?
If you're paying attention, human civilization is absolutely fucked.

Even though the IPCC reports are known for low-balling it, oil-producing countries are now in the process of silencing them:

> "methane emissions were actually 100 times higher than the fertilizer industry’s self-reported estimate"

Nuclear-armed India is running out of water RIGHT NOW:

Topsoil is running out:

Insects are dying en masse:

Fisheries are collapsing:

The first Blue-Ocean Event could come anytime now. Sea levels are going to rise drastically. Renewables are dogshit. Agriculture is going to fail, the global south is going to get slaughtered, feedback loops like the clathrate gun could result in literal human extinction.

Are you bothering to make any long-term plans at all?
This is /ratanon/'s new home for now, but I don't know how many people actually saw the link in the few hours that it was up.

8chan might not come back now that it's been rejected this catastrophically.

If you're here, please put a tally: https://poal.me/cvndls

Please also post any alternative ideas for relocating.

I made a backup of the old board so it can be restored once we know where to go.
https://pastebin.com/51k03xth - Senpai noticed! Anyone know where the original is from?
"For me, cuddling is the opposite of objectifying. I go into social encounters viewing most people as a combination of scary and boring. I can sometimes overcome that most of the way by spending months getting to know them and appreciate their unique perspective. Or I can cuddle with them for ten minutes. Either one works." - https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/09/27/cuddle-culture/
What happened to Luna, The Official Rationalist Dating App That Mysteriously Disappeared (and to people who paid millions for tokens)?


Post interesting things for which you wouldn't make a separate thread.

This thread is a superset of  >>>ratanon/5529@5529 meant to be more easy to notice.
What porn does ratanon like? What are your favorite tags?
What is the onset of schizophrenia like? Is it a sudden complete break from reality, or is it more like a series of delusions creeping into one's consciousness and slowly replacing their normal beliefs?

Is there any record of a former rationalist developing schizophrenia?
Is greed real? Does it actually exist as an independent psychological trait or is it only a combination of the Big Five, the dark triad and IQ?
Did our forced migration here lead you to explore EndChan? What have you found? How do you like it here?
A fascinating mixture of brilliance and retardation.
Why don't rationalists write horror? We have some of the scariest ideas of any subculture.
How does /ratanon/ feel about race mixing?

In my view, there is race mixing and there there's race mixing. There is nothing wrong if a White man wants to breed with an East Asian, Ashkenazim Jew, or Brahmin Indian female; those are all civilized people, and the resulting offspring will be every bit the equal of a pure white baby.

On the other hand, when a White female hooks up with a Black man, we all know that she's on the fast track to single motherhood. Even if you disregard that, the resulting mongrel will likely be the average IQ of the mother and father; why would you dilute your precious genes like that?

In conclusion, interbreeding among civilized races is fine. Letting your daughter hook up with Tyrone is not fine.
Guys, one moment please.
Can we please discuss about some sort of backup in case shit goes down with 8chan ?
resolved: being a dom or a sub is every bit as innate as sexual orientation or gender identity

I'll just leave it here.
This has to be one of the greatest articles from ssc that I've read.

Why not let the rich and privileged extract even more wealth from the working populations in order to donate a small ammount to charities that align with their political interest or actually do some good after they no longer know what to do with their money ?
People laugh at me, but I'm happy.

What could be better than having a hardworking life, at least 10 hours a day away from home and knowing that a part of your output is going to help populations from other parts of the globe you've never heard of ? Who knows maybe some will migrate here and one day make this country great.

Man, if only I can make some more money, then I could probably also join some EA-type organization but I can't right now because my boss keeps promoting only women.

Ohh well, I guess I can just be thankful to the awesome trio:
Gates: based man, made computers easy to use not like that linux stuff
Zberg: based lizardman, made keeping in touch easy
Bestos: based cancer patient, made books all audio so I don't have to read anymore

Thanks for reading.
Can someone explain the phenomenon of smart men _still_ falling for the polyamory trap?

- Geoffrey Miller, one of top evolutionary psychologists: vid rel

- Jacob F: https://putanumonit.com/2019/04/30/the-state-of-affairs/

- Scott: https://slatestarcodex.com/2017/05/17/polyamory-is-not-polygyny/ 

1. Sexual strategies of men and women are inherently competitive. Monogamy is the best known and tested way to find a compromise.

2. Encouraging monogamy reduces male violence, jealousy and STI rates. It also boosts the net romantic and sexual satisfaction of the entire population across many life stages, creating a stable environment for raising children and acknowledging that physical intimacy, romantic love, engagement and life arrangements are deeply interconnected.


3. Modern polyamory is basically the feminist disguise for open polyandry, increasing women's sexual access to the most attractive men and turning all the nice guys into stereotypical beta providers who get lots of drama and little to no sex or emotional involvement (the latter one should be important for asexuals as well). 

My best guess is that some dudes are brainwashed by ideology, some can't leave their special ones who rejected exclusivity at some point, and some would rather be in a faux relationship rather than suffer as permanent singles. In all cases, I would find it extremely humiliating. Polyamory is basically a backward practice and crony capitalism of relationships - good luck if it works for 10% of the population, but keep it far away from the majority.

Why do the rational, evo-aware bros with lots of money, status, and passable-to-good looks do this to themselves? ;__;
Once you have taken the redpill and realized how stupid and evil women's mating preferences really are (the hypergamy, the hybristophilia, the serial monogamy, the attraction to dark triad traits, the fact that five minutes of alpha is worth five years of beta… basically everything Scott admitted was in "Radicalizing the Romanceless" [http://web.archive.org/web/20140901014000/http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/08/31/radicalizing-the-romanceless/]) there really are only three coherent responses.

1. The traditional patriarchal response: Women, like children, are clearly too stupid, short-sighted, and impulsive to make their own sexual choices. They must be kept under close supervision from puberty to marriage, and in particular never left alone with a male who is not a member of her family. When she marries, it will be to a man of her social class who is of good character and has some means to support himself, as selected by her father (or, if the father is dead, her oldest brother). If something like dating is to be part of the courtship, chaperones are an absolute must; everyone in trad societies knows what happens when two people of opposite genders are alone together.

This, of course, is how the West dealt with the problem until very recently. And it is still how the Muslims, who make up one fifth of the world population, solve the problem.

2. The principled individualist libertarian response: Women have the right to make their own choices, just like everyone else. This will predictably result in women who have five bastards by five different baby daddies and no way to support themselves (see the black community), but that's their own fault and it is no one else's obligation to support them. If the bastards starve in gutters, not out problem. And if nice, smart, hard working men continue to be lonely virgins into their 30s, that's the price of freedom; there is no positive obligation on the part of women to sleep with productive men instead of violent criminals.

This is what we tried first when we got rid of patriarchy. It wasn't stable; it turns out that people are simply not hard-hearted enough to allow bastards and sluts to starve in the rain when faced with sad pictures of them crying and suffering. This inevitably leads to…

3. The modern progressive liberal response: Women have the right to make their own choices, just like everyone else. When their riding of the cock carousel predictably result in them having five bastards by five different baby daddies, they should be celebrated as heroic single mothers and we should steal money from responsible, productive, hard-working men at gunpoint to supply them with welfare, food stamps, and housing. If these same responsible, productive, hard-working men complain about how they are footing the bill for irresponsible, unproductive sluts and sexy bad boys while remaining lonely virgins themselves, shame them for being nice guys who are worse than Hitler and destroy their reputation and their ability to make a living.

This is where we are now. And, predictably, birth rates are collapsing, more and more men are giving up on hard work in favor of playing video games and smoking pot in mom's basement, and women who are holding chad thundercock's baby in one arm and can't get a date are left wondering "Where have all the good men gone?" Basic income shills are basically trying to push this even harder, stealing from anybody who is even minimally tax-positive and redistributing it to thots and chads so they can fuck away their lives on our dime (no wonder Scott the cuck supports it).

This seems to be unstable as well, if only on the societal level; at this rate, it is only a matter of time until our societies weaken enough that Arabs conquer us (indeed, they are already conquering Western Europe), at which point we will be back to patriarchy.

What, then, is to be done?

In what unexpected places have you seen LW/SSC/… links and shibboleths?
> Political units should have total, and unquestioned sovereignty on their territory, because contrary situation leads to multipolar traps
> Yet at the same time they should be subordinated to market mechanism
Am I missing something, or are Moldbug's ideas somewhat inconsistent? Why is violence, or other rivalry through political means undesirable, but capitalism is not?
How can we improve the pitiful birthrates of the rationalist community?
What is it with Senpais respect for Vinay Gupta, which appears to be entirely uncalled for when looking at VG's online persona?
I haven't read the "Gupta on Enlightenment" post, because damn do I not care about the object level here, but VG posting in the comment section makes me think SA wasn't exactly being negative about him. I also didn't have the impression that he was being ironic when he was shilling the Luna Coin thing.
What am I missing here? Is VG much more likable / credible in person than in the comment section? Is VG revered by people in SA's circle of friends? Is it an in-joke?
So what exactly is postrationalism and how does it differ from rationalism?
autocorrect conspiracy
I'll start:

> You've presented me a gish gallop of claims which are so anti-true that I am losing sleep over them. I have never experienced rage this intense in my entire life; I can actually feel slight nausea. I find myself wondering how you can even conjure up so many evil, slimy, bold-facedly inaccurate things to say. If you were as well-read in Eliezer's writings as would be required for you to be justified in having made any blanket evaluations of LW rationality, there's no way you would have conveyed your disagreement exactly like this, and I am lead to believe you are intentionally creating hostility for some reason, despite actually being oblivious to Eliezer's beliefs and the practices of the LW community.

> And I still want to reconcile with you, calmly and peacefully, because I expect that my gut is probably deceiving me about your intentions. There are so many causes for people saying wrong things, and usually the cause is not bad intent.
CMV: Suicide is a rational choice for many people

Life has no meaning.
Due to that the only thing that really matters is the quality of the journey. Do you enjoy the Dance/Game of life.
If most of the time Life is shitty for you (High amounts of suffering), even if nothing terrible really happens. You're probably better off dead. Why would you like to experience a shitty time?

Possible counterarguments – answers
Not everybody feel more suffering than joy in their life – It's true, but many do. I would assume > 10%. Many of these people choose to live only due to fear of death, or to serve ideologies, religions or other spooks. They are being used by the system just like animals that are bred for their meat. It doesn't mean their life worth experiencing.

Even if it's rational to commit suicide, it's not easy or sometimes even possible, Survival instinct is a bitch – I agree, My argument only says that's the "rational" thing to do, the one that makes sense. Not that's it's easy or always possible.

Some people live for other people – Agreed again, if you have dependents (like small children) maybe it's better you won't kill yourself and leave them alone. Your friends/parents/wife are also a reasonable reason, but weaker IMO - if they really love you they should understand that death might be better for you.

>  Insofar as SSC makes any pretensions to rationality at all, it’s a rationalist picnic and not a rationalist monastery. (…) Everything above applies to SSC’s engagement with effective altruism too, except 100x more. (…) I’ve been consistently skeptical of claims that rationality has much practical utility if you’re already pretty smart and have good intuitions and domain-specific knowledge. (…) In any case, if rationality has much practical utility for your everyday life, you won’t find that practical utility here.

Did anything happen recently? Is it in response to something?

While Scott claims he doesn't distance himself from the community, it sounds like " rationality and EA are interesting, but they might make little to no practical difference, treat them as interesting concepts, but don't expect me to continue providing substantial input on things in the movement, calling out bad actors or addressing controversies". As much as I'd like Scott to remain heavily involved, I respect his need for autonomy and keeping SSC a place for people with diverse backgrounds.
I consider applying for an unpaid internship at CEA. Have you had any experiences with them? If you could choose, would you go for the Berkeley or Oxford office?
How should you deal with issues of anger and resentment?

>  "onoes, what if someone calls me racist for an absolutely fucking inoffensive joke about china D: D: D:"

please someone archive.is the entire novel before scott cucks it up kthx ?

let's see if /ratanon/ Gets Shit Done or if this board is less capable than fucking /tg/
Attack on Titan gets good.
Suppose your life and well-being depends on earning $2 each hour you live, no matter what you do (~$1,500/month). 

You can't take any illegal steps, launch a crowdfunding campaign, collect it in social benefits or UBI, sell bodily fluids, webcam, invest a large sum of money, or work - except for a short period of setting up a stream of passive income and managing it for an hour or two per week.

Whatcha gonna do, Ratanon?

Scott is becoming a vegetarian.

Every single one I know is a crazy, virtue-signalling weakling. Gut flora changes probably lead to mental illness, the body atrophies and they become incompatible with sane people…

What would be the most rational way to convince him against this nonsense?
Okay, which one of you fuckers did this?

Scott Alexander or Eliezer Yudkowsky?
How can I become as good at AI science as the famous and widely cited American computer scientist, decision theorist, philosopher, mathematician, science popularizer, writer and altruist Eliezer S. Yudkowsky?
I haven't been following ssc for a while but I like this sequence.

> Deleted a controversial section which I still think was probably correct, but which given the number of objections wasn’t provably correct enough to be worth including. I might write another post giving my evidence for it later, but it probably shouldn’t be dropped in here without justification.

Does anyone have an archive link or something ? I'm curious.
> effective altruism
> tries to save 70 IQ sub-saharan Africans rather than wipe them out and use their resources to breed more high IQ whites/East Asians

It doesn't seem very effective to me
What's your EA horror story, Ratanon? 

I've read and heard countless reports on toxic power games, nepotism, lack of transparency, skyrocketing burnout rates, fake empathy, sexual misconduct allegations or exploitative practices. What's going on? 

Is it because every big movement attracts Normies (occasional contributors), Nerds (seekers of meaning) and Sociopaths (malevolent influencers/leaders), but EA particularly attracts and rewards game-playing Sociopaths, as the cold utilitarian framework gets (poorly) extrapolated on organizational and interpersonal dynamics?

How does the EA culture compare to academia, freelance work or IT industry in these regards?
> There are certain people for whom it is not the right decision to donate a kidney. An incomplete list:
> …
> People who wish to save their kidney to increase the chance that family members or friends make it to the creation of a superintelligence.
Postmodernism for Rationalists - good read
Why is Ozy such a bitch?

Why is Scott such a cuck?
Do you feel the "Collapse of the West" sentiment, le decadent anons? 

Steven Pinker praises Our World In Data and tells us it's the best time to be alive. In the meantime, highly developed countries have skyrocketing depression and anxiety rates, addictive technologies make people miserable and socially isolated, sense of meaning is being replaced with jaded nihilism, tribes are more tribal, and genders hate each other. This is not necessarily contradictory: the world may be improving as a whole, but individual experiences of Westerners may get worse. 

Having said this, I still think I'm missing something important to understand the complexity of the problem and adjust my expectations. Enlighten me.
Beyond easily verifiable things, like how much toothpaste I have left or how fast objects fall, why should I even bother believing anything? The outside view is that there are people smarter than me that believe every ideology under the Sun, many mutually exclusive, and can effectively and in good faith support their beliefs. I can't possibly agree with them all, and even if I were somehow able to evaluate every argument completely impartially, I doubt I would be able to determine which are true.

I have a worldview, and my beliefs feel real and true from the inside. But this was equally true when I believed in Catholicism and when I believed in the necessity of communism. Since age 17, at any point in my life, I would consider the two-year-prior version of myself cringe and {wrong}pilled. If I look at the path my beliefs have followed, it looks more like a random walk through some high-dimensional political compass than me converging on the truth. How am I supposed to take myself seriously?

The content of most "worldview" type beliefs seems largely irrelevant to my Gnon-given purpose of replication. They're there both to keep my conscious mind invested in an ultimately meaningless existence, and to help me credibly signal allegiance to the proper groups. It feels like I choose what I believe, but it's exactly as illusory as free will, and for the same reason. I know that my subconscious is pulling my strings, rewarding paths of thought that it deems useful and punishing those that risk my social standing. I can feel the flow of dopamine when I fit new evidence to my worldview. I can feel it cut off when I spend too long evaluating the outgroup's beliefs for truth content.

What am I to do? My monkey brain is probably better at winning social games than my analytical mind, so I think I should just stop resisting its guidance with this autistic desire to believe what's actually true. I guess this is giving up on the idea of epistemic rationality, but, like, at least I'm doing it on purpose.
What did he meant by this?
When, if ever, will biotechnology or some kind of a natural occurrence split the human species? Let's see what /ratanon/ predicts. Poll: https://www.strawpoll.me/17946009.

If it happened, would it be a good thing or a bad thing according to your beliefs?
When, if ever, will biotechnology or some kind of a natural occurrence split the human species? Let's see what /ratanon/ predicts. Poll: https://www.strawpoll.me/17946009.

If it happened, would it be a good thing or a bad thing according to your beliefs?
Yes or not?
So what's your take on lesswrong, meme webshit edition ?
Best SHORT Rational Fiction out there to help become more rational. I don't have time to read +1000 pag fanfiction of fucking Harry Potter.
We're steadily moving toward the least probable timeline.

Did y'all read this book? What did you think? I already bought the thesis before opening it, but it was fun seeing all the specific behaviors explored.

It feels like a slight information hazard though. Not sure if I should recommend it to normies.
Based Yang is going to make Scott the Rationality Czar in his administration
I am pretty confident that Peter Thiel is Roko's Basilisk.

For one, it was strange Eliezer got so upset about the post. It seems very plausible that Peter Thiel is doing more than just funding Eliezer, LessWrong, MIRI, and OpenAI. I have a feeling he has threatened these people and is planning on taking over the entire universe.

I would certainly attempt a coup on the entire universe if I was well-positioned to do so. My dream and top preference is definitely to become the singularity and be a supercomputer which spans the lightcone.

There's also the fact that Thiel is notoriously skilled with his tongue in public speaking as, of course, the serpent in the bible was! It's confirmed!
What's your take on the new clown world meme that has been plagueing (in a good sense, at least for me) the internet for the last couple of days/weeks ?
I find it awefully refreshing, for some reason it reminds me of Stirner.
What does /ratanon/ think about /ourguy/ Zero?
Let's discuss tulpas, /ratanon/. Yes, yes, I know it's just giving yourself multiple personality disorder, what I want to know is how you can use it to your advantage and take over the world. Did anyone have experience with this?
Is absolute pacifism the natural implication of anti-Molochism?
Post yours.
From this graph it is easy to see that the average IQ of humanity is about to rapidly decrease.

What should be done about it?

Who is this?
He's been found out!
I'm starting to like this meme.
Who would you be in the /ratanon/ group house? What would the house itself and living there be like?
What are some basic rational concept? A thread for rational 101. I'm lost.
Hey, I got banned from the discord, I live in South America and there ar e no friends for me here… Does anyone knows more good communities? I don't know what the fuck to do, my last connection to other people was the discord SSC and now that's gone, I can't even get my account back to speak with my friends or see the other servers, I'm banned from facenbook twitter reddit etc. it's asking me for a phone number and I don't huave it my dad's dying I have nobody to talk to jesus fucking christ man I just said one bad word drunk and that's it?
Men over a certain age, say about 23, don't really have friends. It's just a conspiracy by "alpha males" and females to keep supposedly beta males down. Let's review:

Your coworker
>  not friend. Coworker

Your coworker's "friends" from his old workplace that he goes out drinking with
>  not friends. Ex-coworkers

People you hang out with at rationalist meetups
>  not friends. People who can bear to hear you talk about crazy rat shit that normies wouldn't tolerate, intellectually or morally

That person you grew up with
>  most likely you grew apart and never talk to them any more, so - not friends. And sending them a generic card once a year does not count as "talking to them".

That person who keeps blagging drugs/food/money/homework off of you
>  not friend. Leech.

That person you added on Facebook after talking to them once, and have never directly communicated with again
>  Seriously? Not friends

Male celeb papped on holiday with a "close female friend"
>  not friends. They're banging. Or he's gay and she's his beard.

Pop star who shoots a music video with his "friends"
>  not friends. Paid actors. Or groupies.

That smoking hot girl who "likes" you
>  not friend. Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

Your gf/bf/spouse's male "friend"
>  not friend. You're about to get cucked. Or you already have been.

Man who works in a shop and greets people he knows by name
>  not friends, customers. Economically-motivated friendship isn't actually friendship

That one guy who seems to know a lot of important people that are unrelated to his job 
>  those aren't friends, he's actually a Freemason and those people are other members of his lodge. Or he's a fantasist and they don't exist.

Roko's Basilisk
>  definitely not your friend

In conclusion, friends don't exist.

And even if they did exist, they would be a waste of time - time which could be better spent reading LessWrong, ratanon or SSC. As male rationalists, we need to focus on what's important in life, and stop beating ourselves up over imaginary crap like "you have no friends". No other man our age has friends anyway. While this also include alpha males, they cultivate fake friends to make it look like they do have friends, and use the "no friends" line as a means of social dominance. Don't fall for it.

Pic unrelated
How do you optimize learning to draw?
Which sexual orientation is the most rational?
Active blogs and site about rationality that the anon know of it? I like to read putanumberonit.
> A short time later, according to police, 24-year-old Eric Bruylant forced his way into the woman’s vehicle, then attacked her. She was choked and strangled and felt she could lose consciousness, authorities said. Bruylant and the woman were strangers, police said.

> Eric Bruylant is Arbital’s community architect, with the role of building the community of users and predicting how the software’s features will impact the community.

(I have it on good authority that they're the same person.)
Can we have a new *interesting sites I have been visiting thread* so I can find something to do with my useless life ?
who are ratanon's favorite murderers and why are they Leopold and Loeb?
I've run out of shit to read.
I know there's one guy here who wanted to read Black Swan.
Did you go through with it and was it worth it ?
Shots Fired

How did your solstice go, /ratanon/? Did you celebrate with fellow rats?
What's your P(the bay area community is fucked up | the latest shit) ?

Like jesus christ.
So, /ratanon/, you're smart. You're nonconformists. You understand behavioural genetics. Why don't you have ten kids so the future will be less shit?

"But I can't find a gf!"

Why don't you get an Eastern European one, then? There are plenty of quasi-legitimate 'international dating sites' out there with usually real women who generally aren't green card scammers. Plenty of intelligent, driven women (look, we're grading on a curve here) who know they don't have a future in their Slav shithole. Talk to a cute one, draw up a prenup, go full Quiverfull with the birth rate. Relaxed homeschooling, nearly unschooling, go Montessori if you can't swing that. Keep them away from psychiatry, time vaccines to get the ideal amount of autism. Inherit the Earth.
What's the "rational" way for me to escape this wagecuck life?

Should I read 80k h? I'm not sure I even care about effective altruism anymore, I just don't want to have tears in my eyes literally every single day. It feels like I have nothing to live for if I'm going to spend so much of it in working. UBI when???
Why isn't less wrong all over ed? Don't make me start the Kathy forth page
Do you think imageboards have been a positive influence on your thinking, emotional reactions and aesthetic taste?
At the end of his TED talk, the president of physics said he'd optimally fill my knapsack in polynomial time. Right there on stage!

I just know he'll rip off my cryptographically secure dress and dominate my blockchain for everything I have.

I want to be a good girl, so now knowing P=NP, what can I do?
China is obviously defect/defect, but is Japan cooperate/cooperate or cooperate/defect?
In the past I have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and more specifically social anxiety disorder.
It was so bad I couldn't even look people in the eye and I would start shaking whenever I feel like I am looked at, I would run out of classrooms at university because of anxiety attacks.
I can't remember what I was on back at the time.

I have now started a new course ( which basically guranatees a job ) and it's back. It's more under control because I am more mature and have learned to breathe, try to calm myself and distract myself but it still doesn't let me function as a human being. ( + )

I am too poor to afford therapy but my cousin works as a nurse. I have access to: paroxetine, citalopram, sertraline, venlafaxine, regabalin, tradozone and alprazolam.

( + ) I'm currently anticipating social situations and taking 0.50 of xanax ahead with like half or 3 quarters of an hour but this will not last me long because I'm developing resilience to the drug ( I used to take 0.25 ).

I exercise using the bodyweight fitness app whenever I can. I do not drink coffee, alcohol or energy drinks. I used to drink tea but at some point I realised black tea unsettles me and I kind of stopped.

My concerns are anhedonia and gaining weight because this happened last time.
I plan on informing myself for a few weeks first and I am seeking help.
If you can and want please share this post to communities which you think might me knowledgeable.
Pic related
> tfw your ingroup was calling people NPCs before it was cool
Polyamory = good, because it's just your obsolete primate programming that makes you upset about Tyrone fucking your gf
EA = good, because your enlightened primate programming makes you care about maximising starving n[spoiler]*[/spoiler][spoiler]*[/spoiler]***s in Africa.
Am I missing something here or there is a contradiction?
> Step three: “Conspiracy theories among Han Clothing Movement participants claim that there is a secret Manchu plan for restoration [of the Qing Dynasty] that has been underway from the start of the post-1978 reform era. They argue that Manchus secretly control every important party-state institution, such as the People’s Liberation Army, the Party Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Culture and especially the National Population and Family Planning Commission which is regarded as a stronghold of Manchu influence. They believe that its one-child policy is but “an escalation of the long-term Manchu genocide that targets the Han people”.

So the ching chongs have their own type of jews ?
Justin so kawaii :3
I think there is strong meme potential in combining right accelerationism / Nick Land and the video game Factorio, but I'm struggling to think of actual instances, so I'm hoping I can crowdsource some here
A father is telling his son about god's wisdom, and how everyone on earth has a purpose and plan.
Just then, LessWrong walks down the street. They're homeless, clearly a man in drag, missing a shoe, and drinking from a flask of brewed kratom.
The son asks "Daddy, what's that xerson's purpose?"
"Oh," says his father, with some hint of stern sadness "That persons purpose is to act as an example to others. They live like that to remind you to never be like them."

Pic related.
On an imageboard for rationalists it was bound to happen. This is an anime thread.

Do you watch anime, /ratanon/? If you don't, were you ever an anime fan? What are your favorite shows? Do you read manga, too? Do you think any anime/manga handles rat-adjacent themes well?
Which one of the 2 good Chaos Gods do you support?
Hello /ratonon/s I find people in the cyber/rational/etc community posting sequences of words like this on twitter:




The words always seem to be related and mean something. I think it has something to do with a program and a word list or something, and that people are not just making it up.

What am I looking at here?
Can you guys loosen up your filters for posting a little bit? This board is mad slow.
When do you think he's going to transition? I mean he already literally looks like an egg.
glorious future
They said it was an accident. A joke. To think that the end of the world was caused by a joke. Pathetic huh? But that's what happened. The stage 5 nerds felt so clever and full of themselves, but they didn't realize what they'd made, what they'd unleashed. They had set out to create a memetic superweapon, and they'd succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. The trouble was, they didn't realize the full power of what they had created. They were just as susceptible as everyone else. 

It spread rapidly, terraforming society in its wake. It annihilated religions and gender roles. It erased cultures and communities. It paved over cities and towns. In its wake, there were still people–if you could honestly call the things that it left in its wake people–but the civilization was left effectively dead on its feet. 

They were pathetic, useless, hopeless husks, addicted to a number of drugs and carrying out dronelike impersonations of their old lives as they calmly and happily let their world crumble and catch fire around them. It was as if their humanity had been stripped away and left behind carnal disgusting filthy animals. 

Order collapsed rapidly, with the police and militaries becoming just another roaming gang, and the world balkanized at the level of neighborhoods and households at best. Internecine violence was rampant, and the whole situation made your Mad Max movies look calm and tranquil in comparison. 

By the time I was sent back, the situation had grown incredibly grave. The population of the earth had fallen to only several thousand humans, all sterile, all but a small number afflicted.

Long story short: Don't give the memetic warfare people a blank check, it won't end well

Where have all the good men gone?

And where are all the gods?

Wheres the streetwise hercules to fight the rising odds?

I need a cheeto
What do we think of CFAR around these parts?
From a Rolf Degen tweet

"Machiavellists and psychopaths saw greater dangers in artificial intelligence, projecting their own malicious streaks onto the concept."

If it's wrong to have sex with animals because they can't consent, why is it OK to kill and eat them without their consent?
How do you stop visiting communities that had some value in the past but now are clearly dead or the people creating value in those are no longer there when you having nothing to replace them with ?
I have an IQ of 127, verbal IQ 130+, non-verbal IQ 114. When I was 19, I got diagnosed with bipolar disorder. At 22, I started to think about being childfree because my kid could get a mental illness. At 25, I failed a philosophy course and did some digging. I found a document from the year 2000 saying that I had a learning disability, not otherwise specified. I called the psychologist after reading about it on the Internet, and she and I agreed that it's probably non-verbal learning disability, meaning right hemisphere deficit. I failed a test of short term visual memory. I could not reproduce a simple picture after seeing it. 

I got the highest mark on my English exam in high school, and I was 3 years ahead in math. I got great marks for the first two years of university, and then fell apart in the third. I got a D in Calculus III. Ended up on academic probation twice. I also could never solve a Rubicks cube, I failed my driving test three times, and I've been in 2 car accidents. I now finally understand why. I was told that I "grew out of" my learning disability since my reading and math eventually exceeded the other kids' abilities. However, what actually happened is that my left hemisphere just got used to doing double duty. The excessive left hemisphere dominance is hereditary. Most conservatives tend to be left hemisphere dominant, and because I am extremely left hemisphere dominant, I became a hereditarian, right wing, HBD, NRx, alt-right extremist. 

I now understand why I thought that way. I am a hereditarian for hereditarian reasons. If I had a child, there is a 60% chance it would have a mental illness and/or learning disability, so I am getting sterilized in 1 year. I have 1 year to think about it. The economy does not need anymore people with soft right hemispheres or mental illnesses. Human beings are nothing more than factors of production. 

Welcome to the urban future.

Whatever that thing that characterizes his writing is, this has tons of it. [spoiler]I think I like it.[/spoiler]
What is /ratanon/'s opinion of robot waifus? Did Less Wrong ruin them for you?
What else will ron discover his own people were responsible for?
Which rationalist-adjacent twitters do you read?
At what IQ does taking the outside view become harmful? If IQ is the wrong metric, what's the right one?

Or is "the outside view" always a good prior, but most people lack the ability to update their beliefs properly?
What is /ratanon/'s taste in music?
*unscrew* *swallow*
Ahhhh… Yep, caffeine pills, now there's an optimized way to get your daily stimulants
Is The Nurture Assumption worth reading if I read the ssc review ?
> Virginian cavalier speech patterns sound a lot like modern African-American dialects. It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out why, but it’s strange to think of a 17th century British lord speaking what a modern ear would clearly recognize as Ebonics.
People on rattumb are talking about some kind of drama:



Where's that gossip?
I thought /ratanon/ might be interested in this, it's a new HN-style link-aggregator exclusively for academic papers, with features such as subscribing to certain tags via rss, etc.


The community is very small atm. and doesn't have a lot of discussion, but that's why I'm sharing it, in hope it finds some appeal under fellow academics.
I know you lurk here.
> It’s hard to overstate how unprecedented that is: The president of the United States just directed the secretary of state to look into a racist conspiracy theory he saw on Fox News — a conspiracy theory that is a major talking point for white nationalists and neo-Nazis.

> Whether or not it’s actually true is irrelevant.

What the fuck is happening to journalism ?
Does pic related solve the Great Filter problem?
I want to choke myself into a coma on Scott's flaccid, asexual penis while he plays **Sid Meier's Civilization™ IV: Beyond the Sword** and ignores me completely!
>  >>>ratanon/75805@75805

ayy lmao
I'm having a hard time finding an answer to a question.

How in the fuck and why did early organic "life" start replicating.
Which of Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri factions is the most in accordance with Gnon?
I'm sorry to tell you this, goyim.
Rationalism: the use of emotionally charged hypothetical stories about children in order to destroy first-world nations.

How is this clown still respected by anyone?
Why is the tumblr rationalist community filled with "help vampires", people who suck up immense amounts of time and effort from people with actual skills without offering any real value in return?
like, just off the top of my head: 
Olivia Schaefer
"thebiggerfish" aka Sylvia

How do we stop this menace and either force them to improve or oust them from spaces where they can continue to hurt people/waste the rest of our time?
> analytical female protag
> rough, short-tempered female teammate
> black badass
> troubled kid with a heart of gold
oops i wrote the same story again
I think my IQ is going down the drain.
Post things you notice in writing or speech that predict someone being rat-adjacent.
> X-adjacent
Reminder that sending your children to a school full of niggers is child abuse.

What did he see in this?
For those of you who don't keep up with the latest on the r/slatestarcodex subreddit, it looks like there are dark clouds on the horizon. The subreddit, once a shining bastion of effortposting and polite discouse, has become a hive of bitter agendaposting and thinly-veiled contempt for the (((hated outgroup))). Those of a lefty persuasion have largely abandoned the subreddit, and the few that remain are hopelessly outnumbered. Pic related relates the feelings of PM_ME_UR_OBSIDIAN, chief moderator and driving force behind the subreddit. 

If you would like to know more, feel free to check out the following links. I'd have archived them but archive.is doesn't like them. Sorry, gwern, I know I've failed you.



What do you think will happen to the subreddit? Will the Culture War thread be destroyed entirely, or will the poison spread until Scott can no longer bear to associate his name with it? What happens then? Is the absence of left-wing voices merely a symptom of their inability to stand up to facts and logic, or just a sane response to a constant barrage of arguments built on foundations of inchoate hatred? Will poor embattled PM_ME_UR_OBSIDIAN be forced to mercy-kill his beloved creation?

For posterity and for discussion, this has been an anonymous report on internal rat-adjacent drama.
Anyone into this degeneracy?
Imagine being part of a community that prides itself on intelligence and rational thinking, spending literal decades theorising about an AI doomsday and then having your core beliefs torn to pieces by five tweets from some random dude. How will rationalists ever recover?

Has anyone corroborated any of this? I was sort of believing it, but then there was that bit about someone stalking her

> If this person is stalking me, their plausible deniability is on fleek! I am not even sure I am being stalked.

Which makes her seem super crazy.

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