/ratanon/ - Rationalists Anonymous

Remember when /ratanon/ was good?

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    • Type: ban
    • User: aKKi7wZBaf
    • Board: ratanon
    • Time: 2019-08-13T08:26:43.300Z
    • User aKKi7wZBaf banned the posters of the following posts: 5526 from board /ratanon/ until Tue Aug 13 2019 09:29:43 GMT+0100 (BST) with reason "Bad faith off-topic NSFW".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: aKKi7wZBaf
    • Board: ratanon
    • Time: 2019-08-13T08:27:03.426Z
    • User aKKi7wZBaf deleted the following posts: 5526 from board /ratanon/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: aKKi7wZBaf
    • Board: ratanon
    • Time: 2019-08-13T11:38:02.601Z
    • User aKKi7wZBaf banned the posters of the following posts: 5891 from board /ratanon/ until undefined with reason "Spam".

    • Type: fileDeletion
    • User: aKKi7wZBaf
    • Board: ratanon
    • Time: 2019-08-13T11:39:03.342Z
    • User aKKi7wZBaf deleted the files of the following posts: 5891, 5891 from board /ratanon/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: aKKi7wZBaf
    • Board: ratanon
    • Time: 2019-08-13T11:41:41.555Z
    • User aKKi7wZBaf deleted the following posts: 5891 from board /ratanon/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: aKKi7wZBaf
    • Board: ratanon
    • Time: 2019-08-13T13:31:51.973Z
    • User aKKi7wZBaf deleted the following posts: 5643 from board /ratanon/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: aKKi7wZBaf
    • Board: ratanon
    • Time: 2021-03-21T23:15:01.091Z
    • User aKKi7wZBaf deleted the following threads: 6771 from board /ratanon/.

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