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Remember when /ratanon/ was good?

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Has anyone corroborated any of this? I was sort of believing it, but then there was that bit about someone stalking her

> If this person is stalking me, their plausible deniability is on fleek! I am not even sure I am being stalked.

Which makes her seem super crazy.
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> The name is a two-pronged claim of superior holiness:
> “Caring” because, well, of course she is more compassionate than you.
> “Unit of” because she approaches things, even caring, in a systematic, scientific way; that is to say, she is smarter than you.
On one hand, he's right. On the other hand, the idea that people wiser and more compassionate than yourself should not rule over you is counterintuitive (to say the least). But I guess you can't argue with results.

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