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As being trans becomes more normalized within society, more and more young males are deciding to transition their sex. Within most males is a desire to be desired and cute and treated nicely, which they cannot achieve as men - it is simply biology. The idea of male disposability is written into us from the moment we are conceived. As the biotechnology revolution we are in the midst of progresses, complete sex changes and reproduction without men will be easily possible, and the reason for males to be male will decrease. Ask most males if they want to become women; the answer is usually one of logistics ("well I couldn't" "look at trannies, a lot of them turn out ugly") rather than opposition to the idea. Even without a complete sex change available, more and more males are choosing HRT. Why not keep your hair, not be covered in body hair, look youthful for longer, feel softer and smell nicer?

Of course, backlash from society will likely increase too. Many men are threatened and revolted by males who decide to abandon their gender roles, and many women want to preserve their privileged position of leeching off of cishet men. But to most people, a hope for a better life has more of a draw than hate and bitterness, and maleness will slowly be eaten away by technology.