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As being trans becomes more normalized within society, more and more young males are deciding to transition their sex. Within most males is a desire to be desired and cute and treated nicely, which they cannot achieve as men - it is simply biology. The idea of male disposability is written into us from the moment we are conceived. As the biotechnology revolution we are in the midst of progresses, complete sex changes and reproduction without men will be easily possible, and the reason for males to be male will decrease. Ask most males if they want to become women; the answer is usually one of logistics ("well I couldn't" "look at trannies, a lot of them turn out ugly") rather than opposition to the idea. Even without a complete sex change available, more and more males are choosing HRT. Why not keep your hair, not be covered in body hair, look youthful for longer, feel softer and smell nicer?

Of course, backlash from society will likely increase too. Many men are threatened and revolted by males who decide to abandon their gender roles, and many women want to preserve their privileged position of leeching off of cishet men. But to most people, a hope for a better life has more of a draw than hate and bitterness, and maleness will slowly be eaten away by technology.

Transgenderism and transitioning should be normalized, but for approximately 0.5% of the population and after a careful medical examination.

Thanks to progressives, our society now preys on and have zero compassion for low-status men, making women the protected class. But becoming a MtF trans woman is a bad coping strategy - you'll mess up your hormones and mental health, you'll be considered unattractive, and there might be a bad backlash against trans people in future. After all, conservatives are pushed to defensive/radicalized stances, and women will react badly to men trying to adapt to the new, female supremacist social order.

The end is upon us.

As being normalized becomes more within society, more and more young males are declining. Within most males is a desire to be, which they cannot achieve - it is simply biology. The idea of disposability is written into us from the moment we are conceived. As the revolution we are in the midst of progresses reason will decrease. Ask most males if they want to become; the answer is usually one of "well I couldn't". Even without sex available, more and more males are. Why not be covered in body hair and smell?

Yeah it's pretty weird OP. Girls were jerks to me all through my childhood years through high school calling me ugly, making fun of me and not wanting anything to do with me. I ended up becoming an incel but then I transitioned in my 20's and suddenly women started being nice to me, starting and engaging in conversations with me, smiling at me, giving compliments and even wanting to be friends.

I ended up going on lots of dates with women after I made a Tinder, got hundreds of matches exclusively with women, lost my virginity, and now I have a girlfriend. I never dreamed that such a thing could be possible for me back when I was living as a man. You hear guys complain all the time about tumbleweeds being the only matches they get on Tinder so I was shocked to be a MTF getting hundreds of matches with cis women.

To this day I remain skeptical that women are sexually attracted to men. I think it is a complete lie we've all been tricked into believing and MTFs are the small portion of the population who took the red pill and woke up to the reality that being a man sucks ass and everyone hates you if you look like one, even the gender that is 'supposed' to like men.

I feel sorry for the incels who are going to stay incels instead of transitioning and becoming desireable to women as a result. Women are the more desireable gender to men and women alike. Men are just chopped liver by comparison

Use the permalink https://n2t.net/ark:/21206/10002 to bookmark and reference this work.

The sexes are not equal, each has its virtues and flaws. The main virtue of the male sex is its sheer reasoning power. In the past, the strength of the male was an advantage. 1000 years ago, if a rock was to be lifted, all the energy required for lifting it had to come from beasts or –from what amounted to the same– men. Now we have machines stronger than the strongest man or team thereof that can be assembled. In the few activities where human strength is an advantage, this signals the need for more technological development, for it is precisely those activities the ones that should be performed by machines, so that humans are freed for more worthy endeavors. The female body is beautiful with its fine facial features, graceful curves, soft and pale skin, and dainty hands, arms, legs and feet. The male body is ugly and insensitive; indeed, it had to be given the tasks that were required from it before automation. The female body can afford to be delicate and sensitive. It is freed from the duty of physical work, and thus it can afford to be beautiful.

Women’s bodies are made to be admired and pleasured. Men’s bodies are made for physical work.

Machines can be made strong easily, but they are only useful if they can apply force under the right conditions. To design and program them, an intelligent being capable of solving abstract problems is required. Machines are also capable of an immense power of computation when expressed in simple arithmetic and control flow directives. This can be put to applications to perform complex tasks by decomposing them into an unimaginable number of such simple operations (like rendering an HTML document that talks about the philosophy of transsexualism, or prove theorems) but doing so is hard, and requires both creativity and some ability to think rigorously. The contemporary male thus finds herself with a mind perfect for her time, but with a body that is well into its obsolescence and falling into irrelevance. Worse, she find herself charged by the price of a body evolved for tasks that are no longer relevant and she will not perform including among others, the burden of a thick skin that can endure abuse but can not enjoy the orgasmic pleasure of even something as simple as caresses.

But the male is also an inventive and curious creature. Her kind has found an almost magical substance capable to free herself from the slavery of a body designed for work: It is female hormones.

Behold! I teach you the way of the superhuman.

Transsexualism is a form of self-improvement. We are biologically male, or at least, we begin that way. We are attracted to women, but love women and femininity beyond simple sexual attraction. We modify our bodies using modern pharmacology (and sometimes surgery) to adopt the desirable traits of women, in specific, secondary sexual characteristics, while preserving those traits of men that are worth preserving. The sheer intelligence of men, the tact of a woman; the tall and slender body of a man, the graceful features of a woman; the courage of a man, the peacefulness of a woman; the stoicism of a man, the empathy of a woman. Obsolete no more, by means of transsexual transitioning, the now estrogenized male has upgraded herself to the best of both sexes and thus overcomes the weaknesses of both male and female.

We also call the result a trans woman. Men and women, male and female, are in the most strict sense defined by anatomy and physiology, thus “trans women” should be taken as idiomatic or allegorical if we are not to incur in absurdities. Notwithstanding that the upgraded male is still a male according to a rigorous interpretation, we find it appropriate for heuristic purposes to describe and refer to her as a woman. Although not necessary, it is recommendable that the trans woman dresses like any other woman would, using clothes designed to emphasize her new feminine beauty. To say she is a man would be as true as it is misleading. She looks like a woman, she smells like a woman; she behaves like a woman. Indeed, she may adopt the name and voice of a woman as an acknowledgment of her inspiration. She deserves to be treated as a woman at least as much as any other woman does. Indeed, the trans woman has more of a claim to womanhood than those women by birth who neither learn, practice, nor care about femininity and womanhood, because she has earned her femininity several times over with her blood, sweat and tears.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

Copyright © «Ksenia». This work can be used, copied, modified and sold under the terms of the license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. This work is provided as-is, without any warranty. The reader is solely responsible for the use made of this information.


I find it really difficult to believe it, and I have questions. 

a) How come being a MtF trans woman can get you more dates and care than being a guy? 

b) How far did you have to go in your transition to notice first major changes in how people treat you?

c) Could you try to estimate and compare the impact of physical changes, and the impact of merely identifying as a woman?

d) Are you seeking dates in isolated, woke LGBT circles?

e) Are women you date attractive?

f) How are you treated by men and society in general?

I disagree the most with your claim that women are not generally attracted to men. You might be biased because you date lesbians/pansexuals, whereas most women are Chadsexuals (attracted to top 20% men).

delusional cope. You can be a cute male without transitioning. Shave body hair, use skin and hair products, wear cute and flattering clothes and be sweet and agreeable. You'll still look like a boy and be cute.
No need to fuck your mental and physical state with hormones and end up looking uncanny valleyish, neither feminine enough to be a girl nor masculine enough to be a boy.

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