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> A short time later, according to police, 24-year-old Eric Bruylant forced his way into the woman’s vehicle, then attacked her. She was choked and strangled and felt she could lose consciousness, authorities said. Bruylant and the woman were strangers, police said.

> Eric Bruylant is Arbital’s community architect, with the role of building the community of users and predicting how the software’s features will impact the community.

(I have it on good authority that they're the same person.)
> I have it on good authority that they're the same person.

Do you? In your favor, the Facebook profile for Eric Bruylant the rationalist (https://www.facebook.com/eric.bruylant) mentions he did his GCSEs early in 2008. It means he was under 16 at the time, so the age is right.

I can't see his timeline.

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