/ratanon/ - Rationalists Anonymous

Remember when /ratanon/ was good?

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I attended one of their weekend workshops, waaay back in the day. Like 5 or so years ago. 

Long story short, it didn't help me and the networking opportunities were negligible, but hey, at least I was so poor that they got me in on a scholarship, so at least I didn't spend any money to find out that the self-help was abstract snake oil.

is big-r Rationality simply a form of mental masturbation? 

What I can gather from LW and related crowds is their user bases are Low-EQ introvert shut-ins, dorky STEM college students and polyamorous fan fiction writers that need something distracting to think about. 

Chad has never once questioned his beliefs or actions, he was born an irrational winner and will die as one. The Rationalist Virgin is stuck in xis head ruminating over self-doubt and inferiority/superiority complexes, mental models and cognitive biases etc, and consistently fails at life. (This is 100% true, don't overanalyse it).

im giving you breadcrumbs to bootstrap from virginity to chadhood

it's post-munchhausens (trilemma and syndrome). you cannot logically overcome autism, but you can self-overcome via will-to-power.

would you rather wallow in this wretched tranny-hive or ascend to save The West

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