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> Every once in awhile some wide-eyed newcomer asks why we aren’t more successful. Responses vary from minor nitpicking to claiming the rationality community is basically a bunch of people who enjoyed Yudkowsky’s blog

Can relate to this. I'm here largely because I like to read.

Oh well. Sucks to be your community :^)

What's with the huge concern over getting enough roasties into rationalism? Just accept that girls don't actually like weird man stuff all that much and go date outside the community.

According to https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2016/01/22/notes-on-the-success-of-bihacking/, bihacking at best barely works. I assume that when it works, it's for girls and guys (female), who are more flexible in their sexual preferences to begin with.
> An interesting question which I’m not aware of the answer to is whether someone has managed to hack biromanticism but not bisexuality. I think that would be really useful to explore– particularly given the gender imbalance in the rationalist community.
Ozy is advocating for an asexual version of "it's only queer at the pier", too. Sad!

i was thinking about a short pithy way to answer the "if youre so smart why arent you rich" meme as it is applied to rationalists

first, the primary vectors of spreading rationalism to people have been internet sites such as lesswrong, tumblr, or anywhere hpmor is hosted. strongly selecting for those who spend time reading shit on the internet. therefore rationalists are largely those who live inside their heads. and the second thing is that you can't just think your way to high social status, because that low hanging fruit has already been picked.

>  talks about demography
>  doesn't talk about the fact that less wrong 1.0 has largely evaporated, which could be explained by the productive members leaving to do something more useful

At least not in the demography section, anyway. I stopped reading at this point.

> read comments
> The Origin Project is also working on the same general problems, and looking to grow. You don't have to move anywhere, and you can get started right now. 
> click link
> An Introduction to Origin
> it's an non-passing transwoman with facial piercings
> go to the youtube channel
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6pQpZKv9ZA
Yep, looks doomed. Funny how obvious it is.

Sure why not? What follows is a bit of a tangent, but it's the closest example I can relate.

I can induce a lucid dream and within the dream hold a brief conversation with a dream character. The dream character seem autonomous. After I wake, I can remember what the dream character said and share that conversation with a third party. Maybe the dream character asked me to tell the third party something and I speak on their behalf.

Is that dream character a temporary second personality being emulated in my brain? The third party can't tell and I can't tell either.

Calling it  magic seems like a mistake, but is probably in line with the rest of the series if it includes such things as "Highly Advanced Tulpamancy 101 for Beginners".
It feels like a bait and switch, where the conclusion is "false beliefs can have instrumental value", which shouldn't be news, and "so be willing to engage in doublethink if it'll help" which would be more useful if it came with grounded advice for being able to tell when that's the case.

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