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So, /ratanon/, you're smart. You're nonconformists. You understand behavioural genetics. Why don't you have ten kids so the future will be less shit?

"But I can't find a gf!"

Why don't you get an Eastern European one, then? There are plenty of quasi-legitimate 'international dating sites' out there with usually real women who generally aren't green card scammers. Plenty of intelligent, driven women (look, we're grading on a curve here) who know they don't have a future in their Slav shithole. Talk to a cute one, draw up a prenup, go full Quiverfull with the birth rate. Relaxed homeschooling, nearly unschooling, go Montessori if you can't swing that. Keep them away from psychiatry, time vaccines to get the ideal amount of autism. Inherit the Earth.

> tfw highly heritable disease that I think is fine and is only a slight handicap (and who knows, might get cured in the next 50 years anyway), but still, would probably make me ineligible as a donor

Uncle of mine did that with a Russian bride. They are divorcing now and she'll get half, but he's a nerdy workaholic introvert and they have two promising kids hitting college, so… success?

That's obviously necessary as well. You're having way past normie numbers of kids – need to make up for that high-Wordsum TFR of 1.18. But the counterpoint of 'shared environment is 0' is 'almost every shared environment inside the Overton window is complete shit, flattening any effect'. And perfectly awesome people who just happen to have been diagnosed with a psychiameme label or are manlet kings or something barely a problem like that get turned down from sperm banks – there's a lot of demand.
You deal with this by not being an idiot and making sure you're actually something resembling compatible with her.

If you made it here, you're not an idiot. Global average IQ is 88. If you can't see the difference between yourself and that, you need to go on vacation to Monrovia or somewhere so you understand where you really stand in the world, and what you do when you fall for the low birth rate meme.

The best website is A Foreign Affair. AnastasiaDate is shit, too big a userbase means more scammers and green card seekers. AFA also has cool stuff like tours to Eastern Europe and showing you how to find affordable accomodation near anywhere you might be meeting your new slav gf.

Note that any reputable site will have two traits that tend to unnerve people at first:
> Strong preference for paid membership. You can cut down on a lot of the costs by only seeking women with good English, because some of the cost is getting emails translated.
> Glamour shot photos. This makes people assume they're stealing photos from models. In reality, women join these sites through an entirely different process to men (so they can be vetted for legitimacy), and one part of that is that they have photoshoots done free or at a significantly discounted price to get them good profile pictures.

One thing to keep in mind is that there *are* scammers. The real concern isn't getting used for a green card – larger and less vetted sites will have plenty of women who aren't interested in marrying a Western man and are just hanging around for fun, attention, and money. (Compare to any dating site in the West.) Older, internet-unsavvy men are common targets, but you should be familiar with the general stuff to do to avoid this – insist on video and voice chat, be enthusiastic to visit her offline and don't spend much money on her until you have.

Get a GF from your own culture and social class first for testing. If you can keep it, you can probably keep a slav gf.

If you're a massive loser there's no way you won't be scammed ASAP, maybe even killed.

I'm an antinatalist. Evolution is a Molochian process that favors individuals irrational enough to sacrifice their own interests and sometimes even lives for the sake of breeding. Hence any selfish interest-maximizer should refuse to reproduce.

> Hence any selfish interest-maximizer should refuse to reproduce.
Not any—I for example am selfishly interested in securing the existence of my people and a future for autistic children, because I want to reshape the world in my image.

Acausal decision theory. Coming to the conclusion that a person like you should spam their genes means that other people who are similar enough to you would come to the same conclusion and also spam their genes. So if you come to that conclusion the expected number of people similar to you goes up, and the probability of you existing in the first place goes up. You're just ensuring your own existence, the most basic act of self-interest there is.

By the way I think humanity is already doomed to lose to AI simply because we have way too much biological garbage inherited from earlier species to be as good as AI. If we can't defeat them we should join them instead. Uploading is really the only idea that is likely to work now. Even transhumanism may not work well against recursively self-improving AI.

So the world will belong to AI and robots. Why not upload ourselves and enjoy the adventure of robots since human 1.0s have no future anyway? Maybe we will get to expand to a new star system this way.


Fine. I will respect your wish because I'm neither an asshole nor a troll, at least not in our own tribe, the Grey Tribe. I constantly troll and raid normie forums but that's because they are fucking normtards. I will start a new thread for my antinatalist views.

I'll answer what my objection with the statement is, anyway:
Reproduction is by far the most important thing for self-interest because *evolution is not a spectator sport*. How often are you distressed by the inability of others to make any sense or understand the things that come obviously to you? There is no way to make the future better but to show up to it.  >>/4024/ isn't me literally, but he may as well be figuratively.
I suspect your timeline for transhumanism and your optimism for it being non-terrible are both fractally wrong. But then, Kaczynski did nothing wrong.
> Prissy little faggot.
Have you *met* most of the people with our neurotype? I'm starting to think the one of mine I actually want to maximize is schizophrenia, but the schizo neurodiversity movement is even further behind the autism one.

> I'm starting to think the one of mine I actually want to maximize is schizophrenia, but the schizo neurodiversity movement is even further behind the autism one.
Did you mean schizoid? That one sounds like a cooler neurotype to me than schizophrenia, unless you mean to turn into permabanned poster niggerstomper58.

No, I'm talking about the *schizotypal* axis, not the schizoid one. Schizoids are boring. Ridiculous schizotypy is fun and profitable once you get over the freakout. It can cause a lot of suffering, but so can autism; both of these can be handled with proper support.

If I was going to trade in most of my values and basically ruin my life for the sake of A E S T H E T I C S, I'd find a better art project to dedicate my life to than "slightly whiten the future's population".

Then donate sperm or knock up random girls so you don't have to do the value trade. The former is obviously better, but I noted the supply/demand issue already. Child support issues in the latter can be partially/totally avoided with some clever thinking.

> Ridiculous schizotypy is fun and profitable once you get over the freakout
Please explain why. I understand that schizotypy comes with a strong tendency to see patterns others do not see and to believe in the paranormal. In the right kind of society you might become some sort of a neo-shaman or a visionary artist, I guess, but it's hard to imagine a lot of demand for these traits. You wouldn't even be social enough to start a cult.

The absence of demand for neo-shamans and visionary artists is to be fixed by creating a society with more people who want those, but that's beside the point.
As I said just in  >>/4064/, you can *fix* your social skills deficits. And some subgroup of neurodivergent people that seems to be pretty high-schizotypy have a bizarre charisma. I've noticed people consistently like me more than they should with how ugly I am both inside and out (no, I'm not rich either).
With the right support and other traits (intelligence, etc), there's a lot extremely high-schizotypy people can do that doesn't occur to most people. Just about anything loaded on verbalness or artistic ability is going to select for some degree of psychoticism – note that we're on an imageboard descended from, amongst other things, the blog of a guy whose biggest sin is that he prescribes neuroleptics to people with the externalizing version of his neurotype. Yes, I just called Scott schizo-spectrum. You thought that was just autism? You really think that's the same neurotype as AT here?
Anyway, various SSC posts are a great example of the things you come up with when you just have *way more of that than average*. (Good examples: Meditations on Moloch, the cactus person post.) SZ (schizotypal PD being counted, because even by the lowest and highest prevalence rates it outnumbers the less functional version 3:1) has a lot of the cool autism traits – consummately taking ideas seriously, seeing everything through a fractally different lens, knowing what you want and dedicating yourself to getting it – but with heightened creativity/Openness/MBTI Intuition.

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