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thumbnail of cropped-Ward-Banner-Proper-1.jpg
thumbnail of cropped-Ward-Banner-Proper-1.jpg
cropped-Ward-Banner-P... jpg
(53.63 KB, 1200x241)

Here's a version I scraped together in another thread.
PDF: https://my.mixtape.moe/dizgpb.pdf
epub: https://my.mixtape.moe/molsnt.epub
mobi: https://my.mixtape.moe/kwrpph.mobi
The mobi was converted from the epub with Calibre. I didn't test it.

The .mobi doesn't seem to work.
So I downloaded the epub, used ebook-convert (calibre cli tool) on it to output a mobi and it worked but it doesn't have table of contents and since my old kindle doesn't have a reliable search function I can't for the life of me find out where I dropped off.

I tried scouring the internet but still I couldn't find much.
How come such a popular web serial doesn't have pristine formats available for reading ? Is he still waiting to get published ?

I think I tried using that, but couldn't get it to work.
I used BeautifulSoup in an ad hoc Python REPL session to download each chapter, extract (roughly) the part of the page that contained the chapter, look for a link that said something like "Next", follow that, and repeat. When I reached the end I concatenated it into worm.html, which I ran through ebook-convert to turn it into worm.pdf, worm.epub and worm.mobi.
It was not pretty.

Probably meant Ashley for that.
> casting
My mental image is usually informed by fanart if I've seen it for the character but sometimes a real life person slots in really well. E.g. Victoria, I just imagine a hot blonde girl with big tits dressed like in the header image of the subreddit. For Kenzie though, I imagine this mouthy black girl who went to my gym for a while. And Armsmaster I pictured as a somewhat spergy gymnast I went to high school with. Sometimes I get really off-base impressions, like picturing Scion as a golden Dr. Manhattan instead of a golden Jesus.
I picture the Twig nobles as the blonde, almost white-skinned Legend of Galactic Heroes nobles.

This is now a general web serial thread because the board is so slow
Anyone reading Worth the Candle? I honestly love it so much. It's as if it's teasing me with hot girl haremshit then it becomes a deep psychological exploration of the main character, then back to alluding to the haremshit again while we all know it's never going to seriously play the haremshit straight because it's really about the psych stuff. Maybe I'll draw some bad fanart of it one day.

I want to read a tale where all the Gamers Against Weed get mercilessly stomped by nazis resurrected by the GOC (or some similarly schlocky bad guy group like that) with lots of chatlogs of the Gamers Against Weed cry-typing as they're getting picked off

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