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White rationalists should come and raise their children in Australia. I went to a fairly derro primary school and even that one had no niggers and I think one or two mixed race aboriginals. Aboriginals for reference are even dumber than niggers, but less violent.

In an unironic non-weeb, non-meme way, Japan seems like a good place to raise children away from Western degeneracy. (Japanese degeneracy is a nonissue. In fact, it's good because it fills the same niche with something that isn't politicized.)

Reminder that HBD superstar Greg Cochran's kids attended the local majority-Mexican high school, because he knew better than to judge school quality by test scores (scores are earned by kids, not by teachers). The proper racist thing to do is to NOT waste money avoiding "bad schools" like a hypocritical lib and instead just avoid bad kids. Mexicans can suffice in a pinch; they aren't as disruptive in school environments as our other racial underclass (while majority-Mexican schools can be bad environments or have inadequate resources, it's fairly often not the case).

I guess this advice is more applicable in some regions of the country than in others, but in general you should try to have an idea about what XYZ school is actually like and not just make assumptions.

By the way, what's the deal with Mexicans being so… tolerable? If g correlates with everything from crime to educational attainment, it makes sense that nig-nogs are both violent and illiterate. But Hispanics also have lol-worthy IQs, yet they aren't living engines of destruction and in fact can be pretty chill (except for those gang executions in Mexico, and bloody hell in some other SA states). 

Is this about testosterone levels? But black gals are also horrible. Physical ability? Immigration self-selection?

Correlation doesn't need to mean it's full-on the only thing that matters at all.
"Mainstream science ignores this because it's politically inconvenient, but I want to know the truth" is reasonable. Extending that to "this must be the only thing that matters" is silly.
Even generalizing across all blacks is silly. I suppose it makes more sense within the US, with its weird history that caused them to form their own relatively homogenous culture, but it isn't like that everywhere. My country has black people from different countries with different ethnicities, cultures, reputations and crime rates.
There's more to genetics than g, and there's more to behavior than genetics.

I would still try to send my kids to a school populated by kids very similar to them, not for expected present value of future earnings, but for their ability to find friends and enjoy their school years. If they turn out like me, that means homeschooling though

I had the impression hispanics are about half way between whites and blacks in most regards, with some variation between measures.

Fair enough, but a school that's 40% white and has AP classes still offers opportunities for meeting culturally similar smart kids. Cultural and class background of the local white population is worth considering too of course, not to mention how you feel about the Asian question.


> I had the impression hispanics are about half way between whites and blacks in most regards, with some variation between measures.

That might be based on older data taken from like Puerto Ricans and shit, who are in fact mixed African and European rather than mixed Amerind and European. They do behave differently from Mexicans, though of course many factors other than genetic makeup could be the culprit. Like I hear Salvadorans are also supposed to be pretty buckwild and they're Indio hispanics.

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> By the way, what's the deal with Mexicans being so… tolerable? If g correlates with everything from crime to educational attainment, it makes sense that nig-nogs are both violent and illiterate. But Hispanics also have lol-worthy IQs, yet they aren't living engines of destruction and in fact can be pretty chill
Amerindians are smarter than niggers to begin with, and most Hispanics are Mestizos (White-Indian hybrids), so they're even smarter than that. Not quite White-tier, but pretty close (unless you are talking about Conquistador-Americans like Jorge Ramos, who are pretty much just White people who speak Spanish).

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