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For those of you who don't keep up with the latest on the r/slatestarcodex subreddit, it looks like there are dark clouds on the horizon. The subreddit, once a shining bastion of effortposting and polite discouse, has become a hive of bitter agendaposting and thinly-veiled contempt for the hated outgroup. Those of a lefty persuasion have largely abandoned the subreddit, and the few that remain are hopelessly outnumbered. Pic related relates the feelings of PM_ME_UR_OBSIDIAN, chief moderator and driving force behind the subreddit. 

If you would like to know more, feel free to check out the following links. I'd have archived them but archive.is doesn't like them. Sorry, gwern, I know I've failed you.



What do you think will happen to the subreddit? Will the Culture War thread be destroyed entirely, or will the poison spread until Scott can no longer bear to associate his name with it? What happens then? Is the absence of left-wing voices merely a symptom of their inability to stand up to facts and logic, or just a sane response to a constant barrage of arguments built on foundations of inchoate hatred? Will poor embattled PM_ME_UR_OBSIDIAN be forced to mercy-kill his beloved creation?

For posterity and for discussion, this has been an anonymous report on internal rat-adjacent drama.
Another OP with the same snarky writing style. Quit it and write normally already.

I'll say that the SSC subreddit, though not consistently high quality, doesn't seem full of alt-righters to me. Jim once claimed Scott had banned everyone to the right of himself from the comments. This smacks of a similar delusion.

Fixing it would be easy. Moratorium on meta, then ban anyone who's hostile (polite or not) *to fellow users*, engages in call-outs and feigned moral shock, etc. It's telling they haven't done it already.

Maybe the reason leftists keep leaving spaces where open discourse is allowed is because they don't have any real arguments and rely on censorship to support their positions? They certainly keep getting rekt on /r/ssc… remember that retard with the huge anti-hbd post?

Part of their complaint is about getting downvoted for high-effort content, though, which is bad if true. They should get rekt, but posts that give the right an opportunity fight them at their strongest deserve upvotes, not downvotes, from the right.

They banned all the cool rightwingers like me, I used to have nice talks with lefties and upvote them all the time and also argued against dumb rightists with the correct arguments… Most of the cool leftwingers are gone too, it's mostly trolls like darwin2500, numbers, etc.

""Too edgy""

So now it's full of "polite" alt-right morons talking about boring shit and gang-downvoting.

> getting downvoted for high-effort content

The notion of "high-effort" is harmful because it promotes utter sophistry. Consider high-brow attacks on Damore by a few scientists with fancy job descriptions (especially that ridiculous Erin Giglio thing): it's hard to deny that they were putting in a considerable effort writing 10.000+ word illustrated screeds, signaling their superior intelligence and competence, and to a leftist reader those seemed to be good faith attempts to debunk an "anti-scientific sexist ideology"; how unfortunate that they never made a dent in any of his object-level claims, either deliberately misrepresenting the sources or the man himself. There's plenty of that crap coming from the left on r/SSC, so it's no wonder that they get mocked. 

The best thing about New Atheism, however pathetically it ended, was intolerance of bullshit. Stupid bullshit, pretentious bullshit, it didn't matter. This was also the best thing that rat community inherited from it. You could say that the entire cognitive toolbox of rationalists was fine-tuned to take apart non-obvious bullshit. This leaves the leftists with no weapons whatsoever; no amount of effort can improve their bullshit enough for it to become truth, so they can only signal their hatred with "yikes", "eyrolls" or victim narratives, depending on specific in-group. 

Sadly, that'll likely be the end of the subreddit.

There is an inherent difference between SJ moral censorship and HBDers talking about the truth of HBD and other uncomfortable truths. The former is highly detrimental while the latter is helpful.

> 12340

I think "left-wing" needs to be unpacked. While econ leftism is more like a mistake that needs to be addressed, SJ is simply moralistic insanity. (Social) liberalism is just a bastardized variant of Biblical Christianity which is a highly cucked ideology.

The future belongs to sentient beings who combine high IQ, Aryan-Mongol militantism, Jewish trade practices and absolute mercilessness, not fucking cucked, retarded and moralistic people.

I think "left-wing" needs to be unpacked. While econ leftism is more like a mistake that needs to be addressed, SJ is simply moralistic insanity. (Social) liberalism is just a bastardized variant of Biblical Christianity which is a highly cucked ideology.
The future belongs to sentient beings who combine high IQ, Aryan-Mongol militantism, Jewish trade practices and absolute mercilessness, not fucking cucked, retarded and moralistic people.

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