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Why is the tumblr rationalist community filled with "help vampires", people who suck up immense amounts of time and effort from people with actual skills without offering any real value in return?
like, just off the top of my head: 
Olivia Schaefer
"thebiggerfish" aka Sylvia

How do we stop this menace and either force them to improve or oust them from spaces where they can continue to hurt people/waste the rest of our time?
> people who suck up immense amounts of time and effort from people with actual skills without offering any real value in return?
I thought rationality was about winning :^)
what's the story with the latter 3? I don't use tumblr

Wouldn't gender radio alone be sufficient explanation for this phenomenon?  Any woman in the ratsphere performing helplessness is assured a horde of lonely men ready to dote upon her.

They're utilitarians, and despite their claims they still haven't cracked the utility monster/utility pit issues. This is evident in their preoccupation with effective altruism (actually just pouring money into a bottomless pit)

What attention does ozy suck up besides the odd dick? Who are the rest of these people?

I guess the question is whether saving a child from malaria is worth the awkwardness, discomfort, and assorted health risks of having sex with you. You gotta weigh those utils and come to a rational conclusion.

it's probably like this in any community with strongly skewed sex ratio? Heard from a guy who served on a ship that even the ugliest women start becoming very beautiful after a while if they are the only one around.

Would be interesting to know what it's like in this city:

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