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epistemic status: I've read Culture of Critique and visit /pol/ all the time

who says the country can't handle lots of immigration ?
Even if it can handle who in their right mind would want *lots* of immigration ? Like what's the point if you're 'seeing things like a state' ?
Just let in enough to support your economy.
> you might be evil
Maybe I've been reading too much philosophy recently but this kinda made me cringe.
I haven't lost respect for him, to be quite honest, you kinda need to be more charitable towards the mindset he comes from. He's not perfect.


The story of a mother and child being rejected is hardly a hypothetical. Do you know what "hypothetical" means? 

His entire point is that one should be cognizant of the enormous arbitrary suffering and hardship caused by restrictions of the movement of peoples, *even* if you think that ultimately immigration should be heavily restricted

The REEEING from right wing culture warriors in response to this basic point is unsurprising and hilarious. HE TRIED TO APPEAL TO MY EMPATHY BY MENTIONING SOMETHING THAT'S ACTUALLY OCCURRING VERY FREQUENTLY! LOGICAL FALLACY! 

"Kids are starving in Africa. Could you look at a kid who is starving and tell him you're going to spend it on vidya instead?"


And here we see Eliezer Yudkowsky advocating that you pay when receiving a letter in the XOR blackmail problem. The immigrant only shows up because they know you'll let them in.

I agree Eliezer, #OpenBordersforIsrael

> implying they're refugees and not some Islamic militia repeatedly getting off the hook for raping and murdering European girls

Will Eliezer look Swedish and German rape victims in the eye and manage to muster up "l-let them in"?

EY is like JBP, they both talk about normative and prescriptive virtues/principles to act on but repeatedly fail to apply them. JBP slouches, lies ("I can't"), has a messy room, imprecise speech etc.

What happened to "politics is the mindkiller"? Or being some fact- and case-based thinker? He's fallen so far from his sequences

You've presented me a gish gallop of claims which are so anti-true that I am losing sleep over them. I have never experienced rage this intense in my entire life; I can actually feel slight nausea. I find myself wondering how you can even conjure up so many evil, slimy, bold-facedly inaccurate things to say. If you were as well-read in Eliezer's writings as would be required for you to be justified in having made any blanket evaluations of LW rationality, there's no way you would have conveyed your disagreement exactly like this, and I am lead to believe you are intentionally creating hostility for some reason, despite actually being oblivious to Eliezer's beliefs and the practices of the LW community.

And I still want to reconcile with you, calmly and peacefully, because I expect that my gut is probably deceiving me about your intentions. There are so many causes for people saying wrong things, and usually the cause is not bad intent.

To be fair, Yud's rant seems below his own standards. He's just mish-mashing rat-memes he himself popularized, justifying an irrational low-tier Dem opinion. 
It's a scary sight when a person becomes his own parody.

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