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The comments in that thread are dumb as fuck and typical of leftists; there are so many other reasons Jews are drawn to rationalism besides the flattering IQ statistics, going back way before the HBD stuff was even popular. It's not hard to see how people with a 100+ year history of secularism would tend to center their worldview around an imagined better future instead of some other organizing principle, and that some of them would end up being singulitarian weirdos.

The Jewish community in the US is also suffocatingly liberal in a way that few other milieux are, so it's not surprising that misfit Jews would be the cutting edge among "contrarian conservative" types like Moldbug and PC culture critics like Scott.

What about Asians? The VIP club is getting pretty expansive. In fact there's like only Blacks, Arabs and Latinos excluded, out of all the major groups. A sizable minority of global population. but minority nonetheless. This is no longer a suprematist view ("my ingroup is cream of the crop") but rather an anti-low-IQ one. Why do they cling so much to "muh white suprematists"?

You misread my post. The sneerclub people were implying that Jews hang around the ultra-racist SSC-sphere because they like being told they're genetically the smartest. They're not totally wrong, but it's more complicated than that.

> 12572

To be entirely fair, I've heard actual white nationalists talk about how the Jews and Asians were smarter than (but not as creative as) the whites.

The actual problem with calling rationalists white nationalists is I've yet to meet one who wanted a nation for every race. Personally, I want to open the educated and high-iq immigrant floodgates and speed up the genocide of the white race so we can get over this race nonsense.

> Jews and Asians were smarter than (but not as creative as) the whites
Really? It sounds strange to say this about Jews, considering. I've only heard it about East Asians or (from weeb WNs) East Asians other than the Japanese.

Of course. This is why rationalists are so obsessed with utilitarianism despite its failure and abandonment in the 1800s: they have rejected the talmud but their hearts cry out for a set of rules to follow, but not a set of rules that actually stops you from doing anything. Utilitarianism is appropriately gameable.

> often more intelligent than large part of population
> using that to find exploits in rules, laws and practices for profit
> pursuing goals that are not strongly aligned with values and sometimes at odds with the goals of the community they take part in

> They are UFAI and aliens.
this but less ironically?

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