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In the post about his mixup with airport security he comes across as the stereotypical "professor with head in the clouds", to an extent that I did not believe possible in real life. He's a walking cartoon character.

For the people who missed it: https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=3903
> buys two smoothies
> pays by card
> sees a cup with coins, thinks it's his change and takes it
> employee tells him it's for tips
> doesn't understand, puts a dollar on the counter as a tip
> employee repeats
> walks away
> gets stopped by security
> they say he stole something
> says he doesn't understand
> back and forth, escalation
> he's finally told he stole from the tip jar
> asks how much it is
> officer goes to the bar to ask
> it's $4

The craziest part of his story isn't even the thing with the cops, it's this:

> the contemptuous American Airlines counter staff deliberately refused to check us in, chatting as we stewed impotently, so that we’d no longer be on time and they could legally give our seats away to others, and strand us in an airport with two young kids.

The guy has some sort of persecution complex.

> On SneerClub, someone opined that not only was I an oblivious idiot at the smoothie counter, I must also be oblivious to how bad the incident makes me look—since otherwise, I would never have blogged about it.  I ask my detractors: can you imagine, for one second, being so drunk on the love of truth that you’d take the experiences that made you look the most pathetic and awkward, and share them with the world in every embarrassing detail—because “that which can be destroyed by the truth should be”?  This drunkenness on truth is scary, it’s destabilizing, it means that every day you run a new risk of looking foolish.  But as far as I can introspect, it’s also barely distinguishable from the impulse that leads to doing good science: asking the questions everyone else knows better than to ask, clarifying the obvious, confessing one’s own doofus mistakes.  So as a scientist, I’m grateful to have this massive advantage, for all its downsides.


This - and I am making the comparison not because I am trying to insult Aaronson, but because I cannot shake off the impression - is an intelligent man's version of https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Honest_Content.

It's different, but they are both from an autistic kind of mind. Scott can't navigate complicated social situations. So he wants to make everything clear and precise, that way he knows what to do. CWC is too retarded to control himself.

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