/ratanon/ - Rationalists Anonymous

Remember when /ratanon/ was good?

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This. No need to undergo normie rituals and self-deceptions ("I like the taste of coffee") in order to pretend you're not addicted to stims, because as a rationalist you're comfortable with the truth. Thus you're empowered to get your fix for pennies a day.

If you hate coffee so much, just drink tea, or coca-cola, or red bull, you mongoloid. 

It's not to "pretend you're not addicted", just taking it in a pill is fucking joyless. A rationalist who's advanced beyond Straw and Spock knows that doing things the most robotically efficient way isnot always synonymous with winning.

> If you hate coffee so much, just drink (multiple for the same dose) drinks that require preparation or have harmful side effects
Why would I do that when I could pop a pill?

> Just taking it in a pill is fucking joyless
A rationalist who's advanced beyond being irrational knows better than to commit the typical mind fallacy. Taking a strange white pill to get stimulated is a fun placebomantic ritual, reminiscent of taking a Real Stimulant and the associated excitement.

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