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> Step three: “Conspiracy theories among Han Clothing Movement participants claim that there is a secret Manchu plan for restoration [of the Qing Dynasty] that has been underway from the start of the post-1978 reform era. They argue that Manchus secretly control every important party-state institution, such as the People’s Liberation Army, the Party Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Culture and especially the National Population and Family Planning Commission which is regarded as a stronghold of Manchu influence. They believe that its one-child policy is but “an escalation of the long-term Manchu genocide that targets the Han people”.

So the ching chongs have their own type of jews ?

In a way but it's just honestly really retarded. Seriously mainland China is embarrassing, with its fucking Hanfu (Han Clothing) enthusiasts and Neo-Confucians, all of whom are basically LARPing. But it's not even accurate LARPing, it's just RPing the Chinese elites' artificially constructed notion of what the Chinese past looked like (unified and harmonious; even the notion of a single Han people working in concert is just kind of absurd if you know anything about Chinese history).

mainland china is a complete and utter shitshow; at least Jews are ACTUALLY in control of everything

t. chink

Also here is a translation of a Chinese article about the Neo-Confucians, which is interesting not so much for its argumentative content and moreso for the picture it paints of said movement:

So according to Ge, the Neo-Confucians sure have a lot of guts. The general drive does not seem to be different from western reactionary movements, but it unexpected that they brazenly request outright to be given a lot of status.

China is what happens when all of asabiyyah is lost….A land of cucks whose women can be taken by literally everyone on this fucking planet for free other than Chinese eunuchs…

The West should try not to become China.

> 13207

I'm serious. No other society is as cucked as China which allows everyone from all over the world to fuck their women for lulz and robs their citizens to aid Africa….

What you said does not even happen for almost all Chinese males are basically cucked eunuchs no women anywhere on this planet including in Africa want to fuck..Who like servile cucks?

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