/ratanon/ - Rationalists Anonymous

Remember when /ratanon/ was good?

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I went to the NYC solstice. I really loved it last year so I was excited for it this year. Sadly (and ironically) it was worse than last year. Not well rehearsed or prepared IMO, and I didn't like the new songs that were added this year. It was still relatively good, just disappointing.

I did have fun at the NYC mega-meetup though. (I didn't go last year.) Circling is surprisingly interesting and I had some good conversations.

(Thanks for listening, LiveJournal)

This is an oversimplification. For you to go to a rationalist meetup a weighted combination of several factors must exceed a threshold. These factors include how ugly, weird and lonely you are, and the extent to which you have no life. You can draw useful conclusions from this model. For example, if you notice you are more handsome than the other attendees of a meetup, you  are one or more of more weird, more lonely or more lacking in life than they.

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