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I'll start:

> You've presented me a gish gallop of claims which are so anti-true that I am losing sleep over them. I have never experienced rage this intense in my entire life; I can actually feel slight nausea. I find myself wondering how you can even conjure up so many evil, slimy, bold-facedly inaccurate things to say. If you were as well-read in Eliezer's writings as would be required for you to be justified in having made any blanket evaluations of LW rationality, there's no way you would have conveyed your disagreement exactly like this, and I am lead to believe you are intentionally creating hostility for some reason, despite actually being oblivious to Eliezer's beliefs and the practices of the LW community.

> And I still want to reconcile with you, calmly and peacefully, because I expect that my gut is probably deceiving me about your intentions. There are so many causes for people saying wrong things, and usually the cause is not bad intent.
> Thanks for the reflexive regurgitation of cancerous anti-American slogans! I’m sure everyone absolutely needed to hear the opinions of a fat redditor who is still, in the year of our Lord two thousand eighteen, into steampunk. If you weren’t an idiot who swallows the whining of retarded communists like it’s horse cock, you would know, or at least be willing to shut up and learn, that Iceland was quite inhabited before the Norse came, that the populations of the New World were guaranteed to be wiped out upon contact due to their Old World diseases, and that the tiny remnants of the illiterate Stone Age tribes that remained after the inevitable microbial scouring of the continent insisted on going to war with technologically advanced Europeans, over and over and over, and losing every time.

If you spoke to me in person this way, I would break your arm. I’m from a warrior culture. We have extracted respect from our enemies at the point of a sword for a thousand years, and are feared the world over by those who have had the misfortune to cross us. Go on. Purge the rest of your disgusting filth here, where we can all see it. And hope you are never stupid enough to say this to my face, because I will not be amused.

> Better to live one day, one miserable, glorious day, as an Enlightened One, fully in control of my powers of Rationality and capable at last of stripping away the cloaks and veils of lies that surround the machinations of the wicked men whom control our very world through the power of The Cathedral than to live in blissful, piggish ignorance of the same, all while coddled by liberal media, anesthetized through soy products and morally neutered through the sinfulness of homosexuality–better one Enlightened day I say to you–and upon this point I shall make my stand for to know the truth and the shining, blessed light of the AI God is greater than any number of lifetimes of petty human "happiness."

> I’m the least unqualified person around.  Those words are chosen deliberately, for this post on “less wrong.”  I have a unique combination of expertise that includes being a rationalist, sixth grade teacher, coach, RA/head of a dormitory, ringleader of a pack of hooligans, member of two honor code committees, curriculum director, obsessive sci-fi/fantasy nerd, writer, builder, martial artist, parkour guru, maker, and generalist.  If anybody’s intuitions and S1 models are likely to be capable of distinguishing the uncanny valley from the real deal, I posit mine are.

> There’s never been a safer context for this sort of experiment.  It’s 2017, we live in the United States, and all of the people involved are rationalists.  We all know about NVC and double crux, we’re all going to do Circling, we all know about Gendlin’s Focusing, and we’ve all read the Sequences (or will soon).  If ever there was a time to say “let’s all step out onto the slippery slope, I think we can keep our balance,” it’s now—there’s no group of people better equipped to stop this from going sideways.

my favorite part of this is the hypothetical reader who thinks this is a bad idea until they read that the guy in charge of it is a "fantasy nerd"

> What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words! You seem completely pathetic and I am suddenly for real sorry, can't I find some support in the internet for real…I am a tall, thin black guy of about 5 feet 6 inches tall, and I am from Kansas and I come from the swamp where the Swamp Thing lives. I am from the Midwest and the only black boy that loves the cream in the Crook and Big O diet I'm sure. I scream and yell at you like a fucking ragtag horde of fucking monstrosities while you go about your business, like a goddamn fuckton of a natural child. You're just nails in a can, you're fucking soothed, your fucking eyes black to the touch, you're a fucking retard, and you can't stop burning, you're just just the worst fucking human damn thing in the earth. You're just a half-ass, half-blunt, half-ass. (Fuck)What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words! You seem completely pathetic and I am suddenly for real sorry, can't I find some support in the internet for real…I am a tall, thin black guy of about 5 feet 6 inches tall, and I am from Kansas and I come from the swamp where the Swamp Thing lives. I am from the Midwest and the only black boy that loves the cream in the Crook and Big O diet I'm sure. I scream and yell at you like a fucking ragtag horde of fucking monstrosities while you go about your business, like a goddamn fuckton of a natural child. You're just nails in a can, you're fucking soothed, your fucking eyes black to the touch, you're a fucking retard, and you can't stop burning, you're just just the worst fucking human damn thing in the earth. You're just a half-ass, half-blunt, half-ass. (Fuck)

> Almost nothing in this post is correct. This post displays not just a misuse of and failure to understand surreal numbers, but a failure to understand cardinals, ordinals, free groups, lots of other things, and just how to think about such matters generally, much as in our last exchange. The fact that (as I write this) this is sitting at +32 is an embarrassment to this website. You really, really, need to go back and relearn all of this from scratch, because going by this post you don’t have the slightest clue what you’re talking about. I would encourage everyone else to stop upvoting this crap.

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> If you spoke to me in person this way, I would break your arm. I’m from a warrior culture. We have extracted respect from our enemies at the point of a sword for a thousand years, and are feared the world over by those who have had the misfortune to cross us. Go on. Purge the rest of your disgusting filth here, where we can all see it. And hope you are never stupid enough to say this to my face, because I will not be amused.

> Back off, back down, and show some fucking respect — or, in time, that respect will be extracted, as with all things, at the point of a sword. And for the people saying “internet tough guy”, no, I’m pretty fucking tough in person — 20 years of martial arts starting at 8, and I can casually bounce around Krav Maga instructors 20 years my junior, and have done in the last year or so. I don’t think much of a four-on-one face off against untrained opponents, and backed down one such group who tried to harass me on the street last year.

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> The Confessor held up a hand. “I mean it, my lord Akon. It is not polite idealism. We ancients can’t steer. We remember too much disaster. We’re too cautious to dare the bold path forward. Do you know there was a time when nonconsensual sex was illegal?”
> Akon wasn’t sure whether to smile or grimace. “The Prohibition, right? During the first century pre-Net? I expect everyone was glad to have that law taken off the books. I can’t imagine how boring your sex lives must have been up until then – flirting with a woman, teasing her, leading her on, knowing the whole time that you were perfectly safe because she couldn’t take matters into her own hands if you went a little too far -”
> “You need a history refresher, my Lord Administrator. At some suitably abstract level. What I’m trying to tell you – and this is not public knowledge – is that we nearly tried to overthrow your government.”
> “What?” said Akon. “The Confessors?
> “No, us. The ones who remembered the ancient world. Back then we still had our hands on a large share of the capital and tremendous influence in the grant committees. When our children legalized rape, we thought that the Future had gone wrong.”
> Akon’s mouth hung open. “You were that prude?”

Have any of you guys ever watched Jeopardy, when they have the tournaments with the little kids? They're like 10-12 or some shit. Well, you know how all the non-age-specific questions (so not stuff like children's books/television) are so easy it's laughable? You know how there's not even a point in watching it because it's just boring? The entire world is like that for me. I've never been officially IQ tested since I was a little kid, but that doesn't matter. I taught myself how to read when I was 18 months old, taught myself how to solve a Rubik's Cube when I was 5 or 6, and surpassed a college reading level by third grade. "Gifted" was thrown around a lot by my teachers. My mother once tested at IQ 160, and I am far above her. In my senior year, I took on my entire Genetics class in a Jeopardy-style tournament (9 buzzers against 1) and demolished them. I could continue to blather on about the myriad of ways I've proven myself to be of remarkably high intelligence, but there isn't any point. The point is that the world just bores me. I routinely find myself encountering people who have problems, and it just amazes me how these ordinary people can be so unbelievably stupid. These people in my family, at my job, or wherever. I really feel like I'm working with small children, here. What do you MEAN you can't solve this minor engineering/craftsmanship/organization problem? I could have solved this when I was in kindergarten! How can you drive a car and pay your taxes and prepare food and other such tasks while being so ridiculously stupid?! Shouldn't your mind have collapsed in on itself because there is nothing in there? I just don't get it. The universe isn't filled with wonder or mystery or magic or any of that shit. It's all just boring. If I even give a half-ass attempt at something, I excel at it, and it's gotten to the point of total apathy. I hear or men who spend their entire lives trying to crack the secret of pleasuring women; well, I'm gay (more of a functional asexual these days, though) and one day in high school I got bored and figured that all out with a lesbian who had fallen in love with me. Everything is like that for me. That old adage about 10,000 hours to master something? Probably would only take me 100, though I've always gotten bored after reaching a position of reasonable skill after less than half that, so I quit and move onto something else. The entire world is so boring that I've tired of it. The problems of the world are really quite simple, even matters like hunger, disease, war, poverty, etc. Solving them is so simple a child could do it, modified of course by the fact that all of it is prevented merely by human stupidity. I've long since moved on to solving problems in fictional universes because there are more variables. I'm the kind of guy you might see writing long-winded proofs that pick apart mindfuck plots and find the reasoning that nobody else can. Nonetheless, I am even starting to tire of that. I won't even pretend to claim that I've accomplished anything of note. Oh sure, I got bored one year and wrote a full-length novel that I consider technically better than anything ever written… but then people don't read books because they're well-written; they read them because they're filled with their teenage fantasies about sparkling sex vampires and magic schools and other such insipid nonsense. Well-written books aren't popular and they don't make the writer money; they're what your teacher makes you read in high school. Beyond that, however? I just don't care. I care about as much at excelling in this boring, boring world as you would care about a fat, steaming dog turd on the sidewalk. It's there, it's ugly, it fucking stinks, but it's not very interesting. You do your best to avoid it because it's not your problem. It's just a pile of shit that isn't worth your time. I am tired of living among babies who can barely figure out how to wipe their own ass. I am tired of being surrounded by fools. I am tired of being treated like a fool by people who assume my own intelligence is as pi

Hey, is “grey tribe” done going on record over Ahmari-French to the extent that the idea of concepts, kinks even, as threatening to destroy society (and not just change it in a way you don’t like) to the extent of legitimating extraliberal suppression is ridiculous, porting over their existing takes on “antis” or whatnot?

‘cause for a while I’ve been expecting a cultural turn on correlation of forces grounds but it was severe enough I couldn’t possibly imagine how anyone could get to narrativizing it from where we are, and I just found an answer-shaped idea, it’s chillingly well precedented, the coalition that would be against it just spent the last decade defining themselves against each other,  the premise and the motte are perfectly in line with modern goodthink, and the bailey is the most corrosive weapons-grade infohazard I’ve ever seen

But I'm not quite like Perevozchenko. I have more balls than him. And if I had been in Chernobyl, and I saw Dyatlov, my leader, behaving like a deranged modern jackass, I would have punched his lights out (Oh, how uncharitable, the horror!) and started executing my plan for dealing with the crisis (and I have such a plan), because Dyatlov is not in need of charity, he's in need of being smacked around the room, and charity, along with the other rules of the sub, are not the tool we need for this crisis, so mods, you have to suspend them for me, instead of locking my posts for Culture War like you're a Fahrenheit 451 fireman instead of a decent human being like me.

What's that mods? Was that uncharitable to you? Do you think that the ethical thing to do when O'Brien tells you 2 + 2 = 5 in Room 101, is to be charitable and play along, instead of biting his face off? How sure are you you're not O'Brien? Because you remind me of him. And when you ban me or lock me, you are saying 2 + 2 = 5, but without typing it out! That's how wrong you are! And I don't know what casuistry you have running through your head, that makes you think you're being the good guy when you deplatform me, but I'm sure it's worthy of r/SneerClub.

It's Kontextmaschine (on tumblr) announcing that he thought of a genius scissor statment which will upset the political landscape, destroy the existing set of political coalitions, and sweep away the last remnants of the liberal order. At first he was all "oh no, I couldn't possibly let this basilisk lose", but now he seems to be saying that he might drop it if we flatter him enough.

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