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Remember when /ratanon/ was good?

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Did y'all read this book? What did you think? I already bought the thesis before opening it, but it was fun seeing all the specific behaviors explored.

It feels like a slight information hazard though. Not sure if I should recommend it to normies.

The core thesis is that everything we do is ultimately selfish or genetically selfish, or a currently maladaptive execution of a selfish adaptation - you get the idea, even though it's not in our interest to be consciously aware of it. That's the elephant in the room/brain, something that's really obvious but rarely discussed.
That means a huge chunk of human behavior is signaling, including a lot of less obvious things. Like voting, for example - the miniscule probability of changing the outcome isn't selfishly worth the time investment, but it's an excellent opportunity to signal that you're smart/knowledgeable/loyal. It even claims much of healthcare is signaling.
Not absolutely everything is signaling, but there's a lot more of it than you'd think.


>  “Please, onii-san.  I want to you to be my first. I want to feel you inside me before anyone else.”

>  “But you're my little sister,” I said. “We can't… *I* can't do it, it's *wrong*.”

>  “And yet you can’t *not* do it, can you? Ultimately, humans are just state machines. Every stimulus”—here she looked me in the eye and started to lazily shrug off her pink pajamas top, exposing a nipple—“triggers a chain reactions of chemicals and firing neurons, which eventually lead to a response.” She glanced downwards and smiled knowingly.

>  “Onii-san, whatever will happen in this room was was determined by the laws of nature. There is no ‘ought’ without a ‘can’. You don’t have any moral responsibility, because you never had a choice.”

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