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thumbnail of Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-12794,_Nathan_Leopold_und_Richard_Loeb.jpg
thumbnail of Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-12794,_Nathan_Leopold_und_Richard_Loeb.jpg
Bundesarchiv... jpg
(66.61 KB, 559x800)
It seems you wanted to share the story of Leopold and Loeb with us and came up with the idea of an "edgy imageboard mascot" thread to do it. It would be better to have a miscellaneous tidbits thread for this kind of thing.

> Loeb knew Bobby Franks well; he was his second cousin, an across-the-street neighbor, and had played tennis at the Loeb residence several times.
> After nightfall they removed and discarded Franks' clothes, then concealed the body in a culvert
> The intricate plan stalled almost immediately when a nervous family member forgot the address of the store where he was supposed to receive the next set of directions; and it was abandoned entirely when word came that a man named Tony Minke had found the boy's body.
> "If I were to murder anybody, it would be just such a cocky little son of a bitch as Bobby Franks"
> Police found a pair of eyeglasses near the body. Though common in prescription and frame, they were equipped with an unusual hinge mechanism[27] purchased by only three customers in Chicago; one was Nathan Leopold.
> Their alibi was exposed as a fabrication when Leopold's chauffeur told police that he was repairing Leopold's car that night, while the men claimed to be using it.
> Leopold (then 19 years old) and Loeb (18) settled on the kidnapping and murder of an adolescent as their perfect crime.
Dumbasses with no taste. A perfectly executed bank robbery or jewel theft would have been a more convincing proof of their superiority and more aesthetically pleasing than killing a teenager who annoyed you.

Speaking on the formal subject of the thread, this board already has two edgy mascots. They are Moloch and the Basilisk.

> It seems you wanted to share the story of Leopold and Loeb with us and came up with the idea of an "edgy imageboard mascot" thread to do it.

another example of how the subject line requirement makes this board worse. the actual intended subject of this thread was "favorite murderers", and the subject line content was just something I came up with to put in the field. it would be great if new threads could be built off either a subject line OR an image (or both), with neither being strictly required.

I've experimentally disabled the subject requirement to see how many people start accidentally making new threads again.
The new thread form's button says "New Thread", and the reply form's button says "New Reply", but that's not enough to stop people from confusing them. It might be possible to make them more distinct with CSS, using a hacky selector. I'll look into adding text or something.
> either a subject line OR an image
That's not currently possible, and probably too niche/weird to get implemented.

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New Reply on thread #5764
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