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Remember when /ratanon/ was good?

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thumbnail of DH-Burrell-Overlook-Mansion-NYC-lead.jpg
thumbnail of DH-Burrell-Overlook-Mansion-NYC-lead.jpg
DH-Burrell-Overlook-M... jpg
(251.11 KB, 846x612)
I imagine the house would be in squalor as the only people there are the silicon valley death marchers who only come back to sleep, or the NEETs and NEET-like degenerates who are always doing drugs or having orgies. Inclusive or at the end there.

But why would you do it on Facebook? Both the post itself and the behavior it shames reflect badly on your whole family. They suggest bad genes and/or upbringing (to those who believe in such things).

Public shaming is a form of punishment.
> They suggest bad genes and/or upbringing (to those who believe in such things).
That's a weirdly low-level description. Just name the high-level traits you think it reveals.

I really can't get the absurd idea of group houses. We rats need group houses less than most humans since we are unusually non-conformist. Moreover the existing rat group houses tend to be really absurd from my experience interacting with those who actually live in them. For example rat group houses often have bed bug problems. No thanks.

Rats might not need group houses, but they want them. They are as unusually lonely as they are non-conformist, and allegedly it helps.
> often have bed bug problems
In excess of California's base rate?

There is a crude shrine to Nick Land in the front porch - a ring of half-melted candles, a dented picture frame, and a strange poetic collage - the first paragraph of Meltdown, pieced together from individual words torn from magazines and philosophy textbooks. A white noise generator hisses quietly from the windowsill, and a carefully typed note tacked to it asserts that the seed value for its inbuilt PRNG "came to me in a terrible dream from which I am yet to wake".

No resident will admit to building it, but when pressed each will mumble something about "the will of Gnon" before making hasty excuses and leaving.

The blackout blinds in the front room haven't been opened in months. From the outside, the filth is evident - crawling spiderwebs, mould, blackening dust, all neatly framed by opaque velvet

Contents of the fridge:
• Two (2) red peppers; one (1) green pepper; one (1) cucumber, shrink-wrapped, halved 
• One (1) bottle of "Cacao"-flavor Soylent meal replacement drink, half drunk
• One (1) tub of "Original"-flavor Soylent meal-replacement powder, shrink-wrapped
• A half-eaten birthday cake, hand-iced
• Three (3) test tubes. One is filled with a viscous, pearlescent substance; the others are filled with clear liquid.
• One (1) bag of salad, spoiled
• Six (6) rashers bacon
• A margarine tub labeled "communal estrogen" in red Sharpie. The tub is empty.
• Various condiments

The freezer is in perfect working order. It is completely empty, with the exception of two ice cube trays (one full, the other empty).

In the basement is a warren of cages, space-heaters, and IV lines. Soft towels line the cages, and plump, dead-eyed white rats lie belly-up on the towels, adorned with feeding tubes and electrodes.

Every few hours, a volunteer from the House comes to wipe the rats clean of their own filth with moist towlettes heated in a bath of blood-hot water, then gently turns them to avert bed-sores. The volunteer checks that the heroin distribution system is operating correctly, removes and incinerates any expired rats, and marks their initials on a timesheet before leaving.

Fresh rats are ordered from a laboratory suppiler. One resident is working on a breeding program of his own, though progress is slow.

On the wall decimal places click up on a counter marked "utility".

The water heater broke down months ago. Arguments over whether repairing it still flare up on occasion, even though the charred remains of the heater have been designated as a memetic hazard and quarantined.

The latest jury-rigged solution involves a vat of mineral oil, several hundred GPUs, and an entire fabricated altcoin bubble. Two residents work in shifts to prop up the hype via sockpuppet accounts. The current value of their increasingly precarious portfolio can be inferred from the temperature of the tap water.

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