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Pacifists simply cannot compete with those willing to use violence to further their goals.

The ensuing failure of the attempt to defy Moloch results in fewer people adopting pacifist ideals, which serves Him well.

You can't win. You can't stop playing. All you can do is hang on for as long as possible until you're eaten alive by something smarter and sleeker and less principled.

Naive anti-Molochism would be something in the neighborhood of absolute pacifism. Doing things with the highest expected global utility, without paying attention to the iterated meta-level. You might not last very long that way.
Proper anti-Molochism would probably be fairly pacifist, but it would be less naive, and maximize utility over the long term. That might mean building a coordination structure that can outcompete strategies that don't involve joining that structure. But that's difficult, because you have to balance between fitness (Molochian) and utility maximization conditional on success (anti-Molochian).
You need to find a decent Nash equilibrium.

The implication of anti-Molochism is distributed ICBMs with launch parameters specified by a well-known, infallible smart contract (dictated by the pope ex cathedra) such that war is guaranteed negative utility for any potential belligerent.
And we will have peace.

You're a long way from home. 

Moloch is the personification of the rat-race - the drive to undercut your opponents, to debase yourself in exchange for victory. Moloch is calculated betrayal, temple prostitution, ethnic cleansing, insider trading, mass extinction, nature red in tooth and claw. His symbol is the brass head of a bull, red-hot, caked with the carbonised flesh of children.

Moloch has many names. In his destroyer aspect he is known as GNON, all consuming, many-armed, sightless and mindless. Gnon has no symbol - he merely is.

Some pray to the two-faced Goddess ELUA, bearer of the cosmic scales. She sits at the end of time, weighing and re-weighing. In her left hand, CANCER; in her right, EVERYTHING ELSE. Her symbol is the crab. Elua is generous and kind; she is said to have given us agriculture, penicillin, and the Gatling gun.

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