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Here's me compared to that:
- romance is bullshit, didn't give up on love
- I do not expect a pure virgin waifu, but I would say I am expecting a proper waifu
- rock music is not my thing anymore, I'm just electronic or experimental now
- not against drugs or premarital sex
- read neeche but I think he's a waste of time, read Stirner and wait for a proper Mainländer translation
- I force myself to have friends because isolation is not good for me
- autistic no, sociopathic yes
- I just normie myself up if I have to be a normie, it's not that hard, I'm just faking being myself
- don't play guitar

Your turn faggots

> the industrial revolution has been disaster
I am triggered by this single line more than I should be. 
How one can came up with something like this? Yes, it lead to some discomforts, but so does life. If you value avoidance of suffering more than being competitive, what stops you from just dying? You value stuff because these drives used to give your advantage to your ancestors. The same drives lead to industrialization. And it is hardly clear that person experiences less of suffering in pre-industrial society.

I do not understand your argument and I think it's in bad faith.
Things like:
> Yes, it lead to some discomforts, but so does life. 
> what stops you from just dying?
> And it is hardly clear that person experiences less of suffering in pre-industrial society.
Nobody is saying that, not even him.

It wasn't, maybe I failed to guess what lead to that sentiment. If I remember correctly, Ted Kaczyński's main objection to technological process was, that it makes people feel miserable. 
 At first I tough, that if someones values avoidance of own suffering more self preservation and increasing control over reality, logical action would be to kill yourself. Choosing not to implies you don't. Yes, I dumbed it down. I guess you can maximize for both, and he doesn't care only for own suffering. But it this case, wouldn't advanced society give more instruments to potentially purse these goals? For example instead of living in middle ages or stone age, having AI organizing for us pseudo stone age 1% better  and killing potential inventors.

 - the industrial revolution and its consequences are dope as hell
 - not proficient, kinda shit actually
 - almost given up on 3d women entirely, might lose the "almost"
 - drugs, alcohol and premarital sex are cool, if only I had people to do them with
 - jack of no trades
 - "anymore"?
>  thought he might not be autistic for a while
 - hardly ever deal with normies besides family, NEETlyfe
 - once tried to learn guitar
 - no longer studying anything, I don't want to think about how well I'll live when my unsustainable circumstances unsustain.


>  Industrial revolution bad
Nah, but Kaczynsky makes some good points.

>  waits for singularity, idealist, cared about politics

>  proficient in a couple of languages
I see your languages and raise a conlang.

>  gave up on love and romance>  still waiting for his virgin waifu, pop culture references
Not really.

>  knows history
Not that much, unfortunately.

>  romanticizes traditional life, against drugs etc.
Nope. Nope nope nope.

>  would rope without internet
Hard to tell.

>  idealist, perfectionist
Yes definitiely.

>  something fundamental absent, passionate about fonts, jack of all trades
I feel personally attacked.

>  read nietzsche

>  no friends
Never. I have to stay happy.

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