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> I hope Ozy is donating their kidney to family.
Probably EA reasons.
As far as I know donations to strangers have stricter psychological screening.

Scott is reasonably polite here, which is perhaps unimpressive but less humiliating than reacting strongly to his dysfunctional ex' chimpout. I was surprised by her, though. But to be fair, everything about Ozy is bizarre, including "her" giving birth while on HRT. If I were Scott, I'd keep my distance.

Why didn't she just ask her psychiatrist or psychologist or whoever she's complaining about what their questions have to do with kidney donation?

Her first post is just about binary pronouns but her next post is about being called "she" instead of something nonbinary. What's the actual story?

> "her" giving birth while on HRT.
Is she actually on HRT?

There's a decent amount of research on it because there are also cis women with conditions that make them produce an unusual amount of androgen and testosterone. It's a common reason for recurrent miscarriages.
The (main?) issue seems to be direct exposure to testosterone, not secondary effects, so I doubt there's a long interval.
They gave birth to a healthy baby and eventually weaned him and the baby is still healthy, so it seems fine.

Are these conditions really the same as HRT though?

Did she even plan the conception long enough ahead to get off testosterone a safe interval beforehand?

> They gave birth to a healthy baby and eventually weaned him and the baby is still healthy, so it seems fine.
The only things I've seen on his health are Ozy's predictions he'll inherit every condition she has, that's from her blog before he was even born.

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