/ratanon/ - Rationalists Anonymous

Remember when /ratanon/ was good?

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/loli/ is one hardcore board.

> If Sinom, Dolly, or that one Salvadorean chick that I had a crush on (whose name now eludes me) is reading this, please tell the others that I'm still alive.  The bullet wounds have healed as well as they can.  My wife and I are safe, but no longer live on the east coast.  We've purchased even more guns, now.

For a second I thought this was quoted not as an example of /loli/ being hardcore but as an example of the ratsphere being referenced there. I am extremely glad that I was wrong. Yet also a little disappointed.

You can find them in the LW post "Lolihacking".

>  1. In Which Motivation is Acquired
>  2. In Which I Vivisect a Specimen of Teleiophilia
>  3. In Which I Put Some Brainbits in Mothballs
>  4. In Which Everything Goes According To Plan And I Am Repeatedly Commended For Having >Magical Powers

I'm sure you could come up with some reasons. One can make up arguments for anything.

Just to demonstrate the point by giving an example argument, perhaps something along the lines of MTGOW? "Lolis are innocent and pure, they won't scam you out of your life like adult women will" or something.

Of course you'd have to have some truly extreme autism and truly completely lack a superego to argue for this in the super earnest and serious way that is typical for LW. That's why it's amusing for me to contemplate someone like that existing.

Maybe you think all taboos are spooks and you want to be truly pansexual, or maybe you're just interested in the hacking process itself and you deliberately pick something you find revulsive.
(I'll admit that these motivations are a little more esoteric than simple access to sex and intimacy).

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