/ratanon/ - Rationalists Anonymous

Remember when /ratanon/ was good?

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If you're paying attention, human civilization is absolutely fucked.

Even though the IPCC reports are known for low-balling it, oil-producing countries are now in the process of silencing them:

> "methane emissions were actually 100 times higher than the fertilizer industry’s self-reported estimate"

Nuclear-armed India is running out of water RIGHT NOW:

Topsoil is running out:

Insects are dying en masse:

Fisheries are collapsing:

The first Blue-Ocean Event could come anytime now. Sea levels are going to rise drastically. Renewables are dogshit. Agriculture is going to fail, the global south is going to get slaughtered, feedback loops like the clathrate gun could result in literal human extinction.

Are you bothering to make any long-term plans at all?
My apocalyptic cult is centered around AI and biotech, not climate change. Nuclear power is mature, clean and safe. Humans will either go back to savagery or start using nuclear power sooner or later. Honestly, the most impactful near-term project for EA types just might be to shut up those who are against nuclear. One could attack them with killer drones until they were too afraid to speak.

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