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How does /ratanon/ feel about race mixing?

In my view, there is race mixing and there there's race mixing. There is nothing wrong if a White man wants to breed with an East Asian, Ashkenazim Jew, or Brahmin Indian female; those are all civilized people, and the resulting offspring will be every bit the equal of a pure white baby.

On the other hand, when a White female hooks up with a Black man, we all know that she's on the fast track to single motherhood. Even if you disregard that, the resulting mongrel will likely be the average IQ of the mother and father; why would you dilute your precious genes like that?

In conclusion, interbreeding among civilized races is fine. Letting your daughter hook up with Tyrone is not fine.

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Your concerns are largely unsubstantiated.

Even if you're somewhat ethnocentric, the projection of US racial fertility trends by Edmonston et al for 2100 doesn't seem worrying:

38.8% white 
30.6% Hispanic 
15.6% black 
14.9% Asian and Pacific Islander
1% American Indian

Out of all 550 million US citizens, the absolute number of white people will be only a few million less than today, 209 million.

If you're more concerned about the nation-wide effects of decline in average IQ and dysgenics: Richard Lynn estimates that US lose 0.9 IQ points per generation. By 2100, Americans will have lost on average 4 IQ points. Improved healthcare and mind-enhancing technologies should easily compensate for this loss, and by this time we'll be probably either cyborgs or dead.
I understand that imageboards should be permissive to edgy content, but "targeting individuals because they belong to specific ethnic groups" is the literal definition of "racism" and has a very poor historical record in making societies better. It also puts other important submissions (black pill, dramas in the rationalist community) in a bad light.

>  If you're more concerned about the nation-wide effects of decline in average IQ and dysgenics: Richard Lynn estimates that US lose 0.9 IQ points per generation. By 2100, Americans will have lost on average 4 IQ points. Improved healthcare and mind-enhancing technologies should easily compensate for this loss, and by this time we'll be probably either cyborgs or dead.

This isn't how it works. Difference in 4 points on average translates into extreme decline in numbers of greatly intelligent people who actually animate the economy. Or, in other words, this means US will come to completely depend on Jews for guidance and Asian countries for production.

How does the average loss of 4 IQ points exactly translate into the declining number of 120+ IQ individuals? Could you estimate the effects on GDP and HDI, and should we really worry given the likely progress in embryo selection and brain upgrading tech? 

I assume that the high-IQ groups (coastal whites, Jews, Asians) pair bond mostly within these groups, so there's little "IQ dilution". On the other hand, high IQ men may be the first to gain a better understanding of risks related to modern dating and marriage, deciding to remain childless and disconnect from the society.


Here's an example of relevant calculation.

>  Could you estimate the effects on GDP and HDI
I could estimate the decline in human capital to somewhere between current US and current Mexico. 

>  and should we really worry given the likely progress in embryo selection and brain upgrading tech? 
Absolutely; reliance on non-existent and possibly politically untenable science woo that depends on current rate of progress is irresponsible. I do hope for these developments myself, though.

>  I assume that the high-IQ groups (coastal whites, Jews, Asians) pair bond mostly within these groups
Indeed, they bond mostly within these groups with sub-replacement fertility. Also, I'm vehemently against complete replacement of high-IQ Whites with psychopathic half-breeds who will rant about their bar mitzvah, superiority of mixed race marriage, moral necessity of abortion and how the future is poly.

> Letting your daughter hook up with Tyrone is not fine.
Thank you. Although this bit is meant as a bit of a joke, but goddamn do some people conflate looking down upon letting girls hookup with ghetto blacks with racism. I certainly wouldn't let me daughter hookup with a white trash useless fucker either (or preferably anyone of that nature).

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