/ratanon/ - Rationalists Anonymous

Remember when /ratanon/ was good?

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What happened to Luna, The Official Rationalist Dating App That Mysteriously Disappeared (and to people who paid millions for tokens)?




The answer ought to be self evident. You had to kinda be there from the get go to see it in its full on glory if you wanted proof after the fact. How it was is what it is. Again, the why is self evident.

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I don't believe furries are a large minority among rationalists (> 5%). Are you suggesting that the rat furries were particularly eager to date others like them but shy about revealing their preferences through other rationalist channels?

I wanted to say that it barely had furries, but that would be wrong. There is one poster in the porn thread claiming to use furry porn exclusively (with someone familiar with furry porn artists replying to them), one claiming to be okay with furry characters in porn and one claiming to be into MLP porn. That's with just 10 posts stating porn preferences.

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>  It failed due to mass banning furry fetish identified users. Talk about a bunch of weirdos for admins.

I don't believe this at all. Even in the worst-case scenario, more than 90 or 95% of users would be non-furries, and the hypothetical furry creeps could be warned or banned without taking the entire service down.

I also didn't hear any official update or explanation from any team member. What happened with the money from token sale?

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