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I can't check my PMs and the subreddit links are broken. I also think imgur is down the images are broken. : (

thumbnail of zarathustra.268x0-is-pid10494.jpg
thumbnail of zarathustra.268x0-is-pid10494.jpg
zarathustra.... jpg
(29.75 KB, 268x377)
"Give us this Last Man, O Zarathustra," -- they called out -- "make us into these Last Men! Then will we make you a gift of the Overman!" And all the people exulted and smacked their lips. Zarathustra, however, turned sad

The cocaine is real. The money is kaballistic magic paper, so techically fake and gay.
It's pretty fucking broken, thing looked amazing last year. Such a shame.

BO should have just make a dropbox account, those things never die, or even imgur. Also some minor changes on the site need correcting in the css.

I know I think some asshole drumpfkin from r/the_donald must've hacked the site.  I can't check PMs and none of my subscribed subreddit links work. And where did my reddit GOLD features go I paid for like a year. This sucks. I'm sure they'll fix it soon.

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