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Cultivate piety and ascend to Godhood

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Religious studies scholar Ann Gleig has referred to the American west coast religion as 'American Tantra' and, having had some direct contact with the culture myself, I can confirm that that is a very accurate term to describe it. If there is going to be a new religion created in the US, it will likely be a descendant of this New Age hodgepodge of Hinduism, Tantric Buddhism, Indigenous American Shamanism, and neo-Pagan movements. If I had to speculate, it will likely be polytheistic Gaia worship with ritualized transcendental dancing and psychedelic drug use being their unique form of worship. Intergalactic Life itself will be equated with the godhead, with Gaia being the chief representation of that universal life force and a subsidiary pantheon being made up of basically the entire history of world polytheism including a variety of fictional characters from contemporary media. The clergy will be primarily women while the monastics will be primarily men. The theology will be focused on stewardship and harmony with nature as well as social intimacy and the rejection of technology. While the archetypal dominance will be feminine, with matriarchal surnames and an emphasis on non-hierarchical decision making, the masculine aspect will be expressed through rugged American self-sufficiency and intense territorial defensiveness. Given water shortages and rising land prices, the movement will move from the west coast to the American heartland, with wealthy but disenchanted tech CEO converts buying very large tracts of land to create dedicated religious compounds. Self-sufficient farming communities will be built up around a central open-air worship space, with solitary monastics living in the forests on the periphery and taking alms each morning.

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