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/sdr/ - Straits Digital Republic

Unfiltered, Uncensored, Uncouth

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endchan is an American hosted website so the primary language to be used here is English out of respect for our hosts. The Malay language is also accepted and its use is encouraged for cultural growth, the use of other languages outside of dedicated threads is not.

Why you should try out Endchan?
> No account logins
Unlike certain forums that force you to register so they can keep track of what you say online, endchan lets you post without having to make an account, a baby could use this site. Just don’t spam or you’ll get banned.

> No shadowbans
Unlike certain forums that block your posts from being viewed by other members without your knowledge, endchan will let you know when you’ve been banned.

> Full anonymity
Self explanatory.

> Uncensored discussions on any & all topics.
Nudity and pornography are allowed but should be spoilered and kept within dedicated threads. No suggestive audio-visual content of underage children.

> Other notes about /sdr/
Free speech and the unrestricted exchange of discourse is the cornerstone of this board, everyone should have the right to speak their mind so long as it does not cause physical harm to another person.

Keep calm, do not let your emotions overrun your rationality; if you read or see something that makes you upset, be mature, ignore or report it. Don’t act like a child and throw a tantrum, the world doesn’t have to bend over backwards for you.

Spamming & advertising of any sort will result in a ban.
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> 1. Post nothing illegal under US and Malaysian law.
> 2. No suggestive audio-visual content of underage children.
> 3. No spamming; no flooding that compromises normal operation of the site.
> 3.1 No bots.
> 4.  No advertising of goods and services irrelevant to the topic being discussed.
> 5. /sdr/ is not responsible for any discussion conducted in this area, however we will remove any topics that are openly detrimental in nature or are explicitly against the laws of the country.
> 5.1 No intentional vapid bait threads/posts/replies dedicated to invoke anger.

We at /sdr/ sincerely hope that there will be use of this section and that proper debates of topics can be conducted among our members.

Post(s) action:

Moderation Help
Duration: Days

Ban Type:

1 replies | 2 file
New Reply on thread #6
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