/sec/ - Security Concepts

Security Concepts

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Welcome to Security Concepts 

This board is for the discussion of all kinds of security concepts including physical security, locks, lock picking, safes, computer security (software,bios,os, physical locks), car security (the club, locks, etc), alarm systems, passive surviellence, security cameras, telephone and telecomunications security, anti-surviellance, anti-stalking, spy "tradecraft", or discuss the act of defeating security etc.

1) Follow the Global Rules
2) No Spam
3) No Child Explotation Material

Inspired by the lainchain board /sec/, on cybersecurity 


I will post links to guides and other websites as they are requested.

Current board owner:
I am not a security expert but you might be.  Post your questions, ideas, and comments in threads below, and we'll sort it out.

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