/shitpol/ - Shitpol

/pol/ and /b/ in a V8 blender

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I think one mod is enough for this kind of board, but I may reconsider in the future, so you should probably use a trip so that when I see it again I know it's the REAL kolsyrad.

Going out now.

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So here's what we do

We amass catapaults, an arsenal of catapaults

We collect piles of rotting meat

We assemble in front of banks

Just remember to frown visibly, and do not cooperate with the authorities!

You can't fuck with the message because  THERE IS NO MESSAGE

100% foolproof

We wait for customers to come out of the bank, and fling the rotted meat at them to express our distaste for usury

> SPQR /pol/
This will surely scare Crassus!
I am sure the plebeians will know intuitively what in Jupiters name is going on.

You'll see me there. I am coming with Aulus!

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This is 100% shill disinfo. Don't listen to this kike who I have verified as a kike thanks to my internet gene periscope.

Clearly we should go to moon and fuck ayyliums to lower our penis thetans, thus creating the perfect degeneracy free society.

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