/slav/ - Slavs

120% better board than /deutsch/

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  1. Array ( [_id] => 5ebeada17dbf4d1e093adf28 [user] => Shiban [type] => deletion [time] => 2020-05-15T14:56:33.205Z [boardUri] => slav [description] => User Shiban deleted the following threads: 217 from board /slav/. [global] => 1 [cache] =>

    Type: Posting deletion *Global*


    Board: slav

    Time: 05/15/2020 (Fri) 14:56:33

    User Shiban deleted the following threads: 217 from board /slav/.

  2. Array ( [_id] => 618d1c688af3cd022aed7d4a [user] => Shiban [type] => deletion [time] => 2021-11-11T13:36:40.941Z [boardUri] => slav [description] => User Shiban deleted the following threads: 146 from board /slav/. [global] => 1 [cache] =>

    Type: Posting deletion *Global*


    Board: slav

    Time: 11/11/2021 (Thu) 13:36:40

    User Shiban deleted the following threads: 146 from board /slav/.


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