/slav/ - Slavs

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I wish you guys posted on /pol/ more often to cure our Hitler worshipper's retardation. They seriously think Hitler loved the Slavs and dindu nuffin. Those who know they were hated try to undermind your people's advances in the field of Chemistry and Physics.

> They seriously think Hitler loved the Slavs and dindu nuffin.

Nah. They don't think that. They know Hitler hates Slavs and they hate us too.

They are just pretending they love us, so we support them in their rise to power. Not gonna happen tho.

> Afterall doesn't slav come from slave?

Yes. But that is english (germanic) label for us.

We call ourselves Slovani ( / Słowianie ), which comes from the word "slovo" ( / słowo ) which is literally a word for "word" in slavic.

So, we call ourselves "the people of word", where germanics call us slaves.

Actually it was probably the other way around. Slav doesn't come from slave, but slave comes from Slav.

That's because Germans, Turks and other empires were using slavic slaves for a long time.

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