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> What is Sploder?
Sploder is a website where you can play and make games. It's a website created for users to play, make, and rate other's games. There are currently six different game modes: Retro Arcade, Platformer, Physics Puzzle Maker, 3D Algorithm, and the Classic Shooters which have been out since the website's release back in 2007 (Robots and Spaceships with 2d maps)
<Isn't Flash dying in 2020?
Sadly, yes. I'm not so sure if the owner (Geoff) plans on moving the website to HTML5 in the future, but the community is slowly fading away along with the gamemaking. Hopefully something happens soon where we can preserve our favorite games and perhaps make new ones that we love with these timeless creators. (Except you Algorithm, we hate you)
That's not even counting the forums and discord community, in which the latter is still fairly active and discusses many different topics besides Sploder. If you're new here and haven't heard of Sploder before, welcome! We encourage you to take a look around our nifty little community and perhaps make yourselves at home. We hope you enjoy!

Discuss what games you've played recently, and recommend games for others to play if you feel like it. Share some good games. As for myself, I actually feel like getting back into playing and making games myself (although I'm bad at making games but I digress)

Website Link: http://www.sploder.com/
After the whole 8chan fiasco, I thought it'd be best to move the whole thing to a safer website that isn't likely to get taken down. You know the drill, let me establish ground rules. Remember you can always find these rules at /sploder/'s rules.html file.
1. Do not post content that violates US law, or the laws of your country.
2. Follow the global rules.
3. Spoiler any NSFW images.
4. Don't needlessly spam or advertise.
Violation of rules 3 and 4 will result in a warning, followed by a ban. Violation of rules 1 and 2 will result in a permanent ban.
Glad to be back to /sploder/
How would you guys increase more activity here?
imagine peeing out of your clit lmaooooo
Who does it better?
anew lesbian
> Wake up
> See this
What do?
anew fsjal
...bites the dust from the decades of my pursue to the true meaning of life.
stop it
my son no longer talks to me
Okay, lads. Here's the deal.

I'm planning on going on /bant/ and /pol/ to ask what race our lord and savior Dind is, according to them. I'll post the funniest results here.

Pic related is going to be used for this social experiment.

I'll keep you updated.
The inspector first encounters EZIC when a mysterious hooded messenger hands him a black card on day 8. On the back of the card, the name Corman Drex is shown, and the inspector can give the card to them when they arrive at the border. If the inspector does not give them the card at that time, they will reappear a day later, tell the inspector that he has something of theirs, and will not leave until the inspector gives the card. They will then hand over a note explaining the intentions of EZIC. Once the note is returned, the inspector will receive a cipher with a long string of letters and numbers on it, which will be used later on with a decoder to show the names of two EZIC agents, Mikhail Saratov and Stepheni Graire.

After a few days, EZIC will give the inspector 1,000 credits with the option to burn it. The amount doubles to 2,000 on day 12 if the inspector refuses. If he does not burn the money at either opportunity, all of his savings are later confiscated. If the inspector lets another EZIC agent come through a little later, he is cleared of wrongdoing but the money is not returned.[3] If the inspector accepts either one of those gifts and does not let Stepheni Graire in, ending 4 will occur.

EZIC will continue to give the inspector money in exchange for letting an agent pass on day 17 and poisoning a would be assassin on day 20. An EZIC messenger will appear at the beginning of the day to brief the player on the day's needs.

Man in red in line
A man in red forces EZIC to take action on day 23.

On day 23, EZIC will ask the inspector to kill a man in red who presents a threat to EZIC[4] Shooting him with the sniper rifle leads to ending 9 while shooting him with the tranquilizer gun leads to ending 10. If he is not attacked at all, then a day later, a messenger arrives to inform the inspector that the man in red is now targeting EZIC agents in Kolechia and the Order must adapt their plans.
An opportunity presents itself when tension between Arstotzka and Kolechia keeps growing and a diplomatic meeting is called between the two countries. On day 27, EZIC requests the inspector's help in order to infiltrate the negotiations with a passport confiscated from a Kolechian diplomat.

Entrants flooding in
Entrants flood in from Kolechia if EZIC manages to take down the wall on day 31.

Despite much of its involvement in the story, EZIC claims that it is not behind the attacks that have plagued the checkpoint in its first month of operation.[5]
On day 31, however, EZIC attacks the border directly. It aims to seize power in Arstotzka and demolish the wall that divides Grestin.[6] [7] During the attack, the inspector can either help EZIC and join it or remain loyal to Arstotzka and defend the checkpoint. The eventual fate of the inspector varies depending on where his loyalties are earlier in the game (see below and endings 13, 14, 15, 17, 19 and 20).
What will you be doing with your time off from shitposting on the forums, anon?
[spoiler] Or will you start shitposting on here more often? [/spoiler]
Everyone want live in glorious Arstotzka! It full of great things to see and reasons to live in! I spit on foreigners! Glory to Arstotzka!
Mix the Vile Transphobe. How's it going fags?
Sheridan only thanks, I'm welcome.
Fellow anons, what will you do about the inevitable end of Flash come 2020/2021? It won't be for another year or two but it is still a short time enough away to seriously start considering how we can preserve not only the sploder games, but the sploder creator as well. Any suggestions? Perhaps funding for the creators to be rewritten entirely in HTML5, or maybe for there to be a program that uses Flash in a safe way or perhaps allows people to use it effectively after its removed from most platforms? 
Curious to hear your guys's thoughts.

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