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I'm gonna move on here since I can at least say whatever the hell I want without dind spamming the copypasta at me
You're literally the definition of the most toxic leftist extremist imaginable. How such a deformed looking mutt like you got a girl to like you is beyond me. To top it all off, you have the worst possible personality I'm ever going to see in a human being. Not only do you use the most generic leftist insults imaginable that are literally memes by now but you can't even have a good argument point because your brain has a hole in it with a depth even deeper than any black hole in this universe imaginable. Fuck you for betraying us and I hope you get raped by a tranny. I'm sure you'll like it too.
Lmao, that actually was Dind. Holy shit that was so satisfying. Burn in hell fucking kikel.
U'we witewawwy da definition of da most toxic weftist extwemist imaginabwe. How such a defowmed wooking mutt wike u got a giww to wike u ish beyond me. To top it aww off, u have da wowst possibwe pewsonawity am evew going to see in a human being. Not onwy do u use da most genewic weftist insuwts imaginabwe that awe witewawwy memes by now but u can't even have a gud awgument point because youw bwain has a howe in it with a depth even deepew than any bwack howe in dis univewse imaginabwe. Heckers u fow betwaying us and me hope u get waped by a twanny. Am suwe u'ww wike it too.hewwo ish anybowdy thewe??

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