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Fellow anons, what will you do about the inevitable end of Flash come 2020/2021? It won't be for another year or two but it is still a short time enough away to seriously start considering how we can preserve not only the sploder games, but the sploder creator as well. Any suggestions? Perhaps funding for the creators to be rewritten entirely in HTML5, or maybe for there to be a program that uses Flash in a safe way or perhaps allows people to use it effectively after its removed from most platforms? 
Curious to hear your guys's thoughts.
Preserving the people would be our only thing we can do. I guess we move on, It's not like many do anything on Sploder nowadays.
I mean, it is possible we can convert some of the creators to HTML5, it would take a lot of effort but I've always thought they were kinda quirky and fun. Maybe there could be a way to advertise Sploder again, even though it's basically at the brink of death? It also doesn't help much that Geoff really isn't committed to preserving Sploder or doing anything much about it.
Might sound a bit harsh, but Geoff should really be considerate about choosing each staff member as well as getting a proper monitoring for them.

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