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thumbnail of Youtube Censorship Continues, Banning Firearm Videos.mp4
Youtube... mp4
(92.68 MB, 640x360)

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thumbnail of Official spoon Cooking Thread.png
Official spoon... png
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Arts. If you can tolerate the Joollywood, ofc. And if you can produce anything.
Les belles lettres require only a calculator with word processor on it. Music can be produced with pirated software and/or quite affordable instruments. One instrument is enough for months, if not years.
Painting is trickier, good paints can bite the wallet.
Aaand thats it. Other arts require more people and/or way more money an individual can scrub.

It's called trade schools, anon. Trade schools are cheap - unlike college rackets - and they actually teach you skills you need to know for a job. If you want to be an electrician or plumber or welder or mechanic this would be right up your ally.

Whoa talk about good advice. I saw this post on the overboard around the time it was posted yet I never bought bitcoin. I am regretting not taking this advice though it would have been a hell of a ride keeping up with the price and all of that. I wonder if its worthwhile to try and use scripts to mine crypto from the cloud etc like with https://github.com/arnaucode/coffeeMiner?

Getting a job is a start. You can also make money simply by saving money. Although you must factor in inflation over the years, so slow prepping as you save is also a good investment and can mitigate the threat of long-term price inflation.

Some good ways to save money: 1) Do not go to college its too expensive (the student loan racket is horrific) instead go to a cheap trade school and learn some skills you would need for certain jobs. 2) Cancel cable TV and either get a stream box or use DVDs to watch stuff (its much cheaper). 3) Cancel the bill to your phone line and "smartphone", get a cheap old-fashion flip phone or jitterbug for just a small fraction of the cost. 4) Get an old used mechanical vehicle, fix it up and learn how to maintain it. Much cheaper than buying a new vehicle and going into debt. 5) Learn how to cook, believe it or not this will save you money overtime. You can prepare dishes for much cheaper than you'd pay at restaurants.

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thumbnail of The_Money_Masters_Full_Documentary_The_rise_of_the_bankers.webm
The_Money_Masters_Ful... webm
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Calling attention to this documentary, which sets out to tell the history of private central banking in America. It documents the different ways it can be established, the tools it uses for control, how it took over America, after most of the world. And it presents the alternatives that have been repeatedly suppressed by international banking cartels for hundreds of years.

Big props to Bill Still for making this. He still makes videos on his YT channel on a regular basis (he supports Trump btw).
It would have been better if you could have separated this in to 5 parts or so.  Who do you think you are, fucking Seattle4Truth?

Btw since you said he supports Trump aren't I supposed to get man and call everyone and anybody a shill then throw my hat on the floor and shit in it?  I'm not sure if I need to be paid to do that or if I'm supposed to feel obliged to do that, because I'm not paid so I'm find with Trump.

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> Japanese websites

> Fetishes tags

> Boorus
Genral search : http://ibsearch.xxx

> Useful programs and extensions
Pixiv : https://openuserjs.org/scripts/TimidScript/%5BTS%5D_Pixiv++
Booru extension : https://github.com/pseudonymous/better-better-booru
Booru Grabber : https://github.com/Bionus/imgbrd-grabber

> Image search engine
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thumbnail of board.jpg
thumbnail of board.jpg
board jpg
(1.68 MB, 1200x1200)
> Pomf/Uguu/[weeb]
> http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones

おはよう! (Ohayo!)
*Try and get the vector on the background

lewd file hosting
*meaty info on the homepage

*It's possible to set longevity of the upload



*Virus scan

> Others 

*Record a voice file
*'Drop Your Fire, fam'

Generic File Host
*Upload with hpost using [...]
*Upload with curl using [...]
*Upload with ShareX using[...]

Generic File Host
*Upload with hpost using [...]
*Upload with curl using [...]
*Upload with ShareX using[...]
1 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer

Bot spamming on the chat thread, even if it was deleted by global vol. at some point, it gave it UIP.

So I had to put captcha since nobody post that much here.

If you want it removed, just say it.

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oss projects and big list




This is a fun project with a Raspberry PI: http://lifehacker.com/how-to-set-up-an-all-in-one-retro-game-emulator-with-re-1745863517
1 post ommited.

For new friends
how to break out of the prism
im going to link to ton of shit that give good consumer advice yes im being a faggot.
http://www.head-fi.org/ (headphones)
https://geekhack.org/ (keyboards or anything geeky)
https://trakt.tv/ (good alternative to imdb)
https://anilist.co/ (better alt to mal but seriously just use a txt file use these services to find anime etc)
Also one of the best Open Source software available. For free TV get Kodi: http://kodi.tv/download/
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