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thumbnail of How To Start Prepping ~ Top Ten List.mp4
thumbnail of How To Start Prepping ~ Top Ten List.mp4
How To... mp4
(91.8 MB, 640x360 h264)

thumbnail of How the Unprepared People Will React to SHTF (rather comical).mp4
thumbnail of How the Unprepared People Will React to SHTF (rather comical).mp4
How the Unprepared... mp4
(18.82 MB, 640x360 h264)
How the Unprepared People Will React to SHTF (rather comical)

NOTE: anyone who thinks they can just run to a gun store when SHTF is stupid as a sack of potatoes: 1) after purchasing a gun you need to wait a week before you pick it up due to federal background checks already in place [stupid libtards like to claim we don't have background checks, bullshit!] and 2) when SHTF the regular gun store owner would likely shut the store down and be protecting his/her own family at that point [many gun owners happen to be vigilant preppers]. Not to mention 3) if you don't have a gun by now, chances are you have no fucking clue how to use one.

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