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I don't understand why this game is so highly rated. Not to say it's a bad game, but when I tried to play it it seemed pretty underwhelming from the start. The dialogue in the start felt really forced and not needed. Rather than playing the game some guy stops me every three seconds to explain something while at the same time trying not to break the 4th wall rather then letting the game explain it through gameplay. I don't mean to say it's a bad game, but for the first few minutes it all felt very forced and I just don't see why it's considered the best star wars game by so many.
> The dialogue in the start felt really forced and not needed.
The beginning might get pretty rough in places.

> Rather than playing the game some guy stops me every three seconds to explain something while at the same time trying not to break the 4th wall rather then letting the game explain it through gameplay.
Endar Spire is among the worse kinds of in-game tutorials. It gets better on Taris and much better later on.

> I don't mean to say it's a bad game, but for the first few minutes it all felt very forced
If you still feel this way after getting past the starting areas on Taris, then perhaps it is a case of to each their own.

> and I just don't see why it's considered the best star wars game by so many.
The player is given enough options for it to be considered a good CRPG. Roleplaying options are somewhat limited, even if one takes the light/dark dichotomy into account, - which is always criticised by fans, even those who really like the game. It gets a little better in the sequel in this regard, but still nowhere near the potential ceiling it should've hit (and that Obsidian apparently strived to reach). We'll never know how TSL would have turned out if the devs could spend enough time on it. And before one of the old-timers raise the overall legitimate but still contestable point of them repeatedly failing to meet deadlines, I suggest you go try Darkness over Daggerford to see proof that they are able to deliver if they have enough time.

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