/suicide/ - End(yourself)chan

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thumbnail of Suicidal new life.jpg
Suicidal new life jpg
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If you're going to kill yourself it means you don't have to deal with the consequences left here on earth for the things you do. For once, when they say "you can do anything you want to!" they're right. So what would you do if actions had no repercussions?

For me, I would take out a large loan from the bank and just go crazy. Max out credit cards, spend wildly on all the cool shit I wish I had. Because it's not just about buying items, it's about buying an experience.

After that I would probably kill my most hated enemies. I don't believe in an afterlife so I don't believe I'm going to hell. All those smug fucks thinking they could push me around. Especially my old teachers. I fucking hate public school teachers, motherfuckers, every last one of em. Prison? Fuck that, you can't imprison a corpse.

Honestly I just don't get why people who crack under pressure kill themselves instead of the people who caused it, or at least take those fucks along for the ride when they off themselves.
What if thousands of suicidal people gather around and take out huge loans and spend them and then kill themselves
What does the bank do

> Last thing you do before you die? 

Teach the owner of endchan how not to totally fuck up his site by deleting all posts by Tor users.
nothing out of the ordinary
i don't care about my last day being 'special' and shit, i just want it to end
i wanted to off myself but then I became a force of truth. fight the illuminati at least
thumbnail of 8_fo.webm
thumbnail of 8_fo.webm
8_fo webm
(7.67 MB, 854x480 vp8)
This is kind of my story hopefully you know this board alone means you got a friend willing to talk you out of it
My recent depression is due to a possibility that I may have cancer. If I do have it which I hope I don't, I rather not have chemo ravage my body and not have the cancer kill me slowly.
if there was anything that felt like i wanted to do, then i would do that. im always bored, even when something that used to be fun is going on.

i dont have any aspirations or dreams. i have enough money to last for two years at least, i could travel anywhere, and i have done so a bit, but it all still feels meaningless.

Tracking down some terrorists? be james bond? hit the bars?

half of his suggestions are childish nonsense and the rest is hedonistic behaviour. both of which i will happily engage in as coping mechanisms, but to think them anything else is dumb.

just because i want it to be over dont mean i dont fear pain. feeling like i wanna dissapear and have it over with doesnt give me confidence it just makes me feel distant. in that state why would i wanna do anything.

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