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Как тут какать со Степановской куклой?
Почему не мог оправить 20 постов, пока не нажал магратею?
Почему вечно ошибка капчи? И бан за спам.

Вы ушли,
        как говорится,
                      в мир в иной.
               в звезды врезываясь.
Ни тебе аванса,
               ни пивной.

Back during COVID I had this NEET call my ambulance. Dude was in a hovel with, literally, just a bare mattress on a floor and shit Toshiba laptop. He was all fucking pissed off that there really wasn't anything I could do to make him feel better. He had a mild fever and was being a real bitch about it. I repeatedly explained to him that he was best off just waiting it out at home and to call back if his respiratory symptoms worsened.
This dude wasn't hearing it. He started shouting and acting tough, but avoided anything that might be perceived as violent. He was, no shit, yelling "What does your father do, huh? Fuck you! What does your father do?" This was some kind of argument I didn't understand. Someone explain it to me.
I made him walk to the ambulance, because I don't carry people who don't need to be carried, and he gets even more upset. This retard made me drive him to the hospital that was, without exaggeration, across the road from his caravan park. This is May of 2020. There are roughly 400 people waiting to get in that ER, most in far worse shape than this guy.
This dude was cursing my name up and down, fuck you this, your mother's a whore, the whole works. I go to walk him in the ambulance entrance and sit him down in the waiting area. Then I go over to my favourite security guard, let him know this NEET is gonna be a problem and get the fuck out of there because we have like 10 jobs pending. Security sorted him the fuck out.
2 days later I end up getting called to the same place, and when I get there all of a sudden this dude is SUPER submissive and breedable. Thankful, pleading for help, reasonable, listening, you name it.
It was astonishing. This guy was acting like an entirely new person, and I knew all of it was complete bullshit. Security must have tuned him up pretty good.

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