/tripk/ - Triple K Mafia

Home of the Triple K Mafia

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Welcome to the /tripk/. This chan was made for our discord users to use without having a name connected to them.

Discord: No longer public. Ask another users on the board as we are using a friend of a friend system now to avoid niggers.
GhostPolitics: https://ghost.report / https://vaughn.live/ghost
IP2: https://communities.win/c/IP2Always
Endchan onion: http://endchancxfbnrfgauuxlztwlckytq7rgeo5v6pc2zd4nyqo3khfam4ad.onion/


For the newcomers, to reply to a post click on the post number you wish to reply to you should see the number in the reply box now. There is no need to input a email, subject, or password for replying. Enter your text in the reply box and upload and photos or videos you'd like to have connected to your reply. Once finished click New reply. To make a thread go to the boards homepage and enter a subject at the top, no need for a email or password. Enter your text in the comment section, upload at least one photo or video, and click New Topic.

Join us on Matrix! A decentralized messaging platform (unbannable) with voice chat, screensharing, and video chat compatibility!
1. Download Element: https://element.io/
2. After registered click the link below to join.
3. After you've joined right click the server/space icon and go to manage & explore rooms
4. You will see all our available "rooms". These are like chat rooms within a discord server, so make sure to join them all!
The "general (discord)" room is bridged with our general chat here on discord. Any messages sent on matrix will show up in general chat in our discord, and vise versa! (bridged voice chat is not available yet). You should use this for general chatting as everyone here will see it!

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New Reply on thread #1
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