femanon 11/26/2016 06:54:00 No. 217 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Translate Thread... Hide Thread Translate... Hide Post 炎の孕ませおっぱい heard there is TS in it going to confirm this
femanon 11/26/2016 09:57:00 No. 218 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post It's tagged with seitenkan.
femanon 11/28/2016 16:36:00 No. 230 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post From the Japanese TSF Wiki: > エロアプリの一つ「やりすまし」アプリなるもので主人公がヒロインの一人「如月響子」になりすまし女体化&レズ体験をするというシチュエーションがある。 Basically the main character can transform himself into one of the heroines and there's some kind of yuri content with it.